Title |
Multifractal Analysis of the Time Series of Economic Systems |
Authors |
A.I. Olemskoi, V.N. Borisyuk, I.А. Shuda, А.А. Bagdasaryan |
Issue |
Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 3 |
Pages |
082 - 088 |
Title |
Stochastic Oscillations Suppression by Levy-Noise |
Authors |
A.I. Olemskoi, I.А. Shuda, S.S. Borysov, T.O. Davydenko |
Issue |
Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 4 |
Pages |
007 - 011 |
Title |
Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Nanocomposite and Combined Ti-N-Si/WC-Co-Cr та Ti-N-Si/(Cr3C2)75-(NiCr)25 Coatings |
Authors |
A.D. Pogrebnjak, M.V. Il’yashenko, M.V. Kaverin, A.P. Shypylenko, A.V. Pshyk, V.M. Beresnev, G.V. Kirik, N.K. Erdybayeva, N.A. Makhmudov, O.V. Kolisnichenko, Yu.N. Tyurin, A.P. Shpak |
Issue |
Volume 1, Year 2009, Number 4 |
Pages |
066 - 077 |
Title |
Discontinuous Kinetics of Quasi-Equilibrium Condensation |
Authors |
А.I. Olemskoi, О.V. Yushchenko, T.I. Zhylenko |
Issue |
Volume 2, Year 2010, Number 3 |
Pages |
087 - 095 |
Title |
Synthesis, Structural and Optical Study of CdS Nanoparticles Doped With Different Concentration of Cu |
Authors |
Ankit Goyal, Vinay Sharma, Abhishek Sharma, Ravi Agarwal, K.B. Sharma, S.L. Kothari |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 2 |
Pages |
0254 - 0259 |
Title |
Structural Investigation of Sbgese Glasses by High Resolution X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy |
Authors |
D.C. Sati, L.P. Purohit, R.M. Mehra, A. Kovalski, R. Golovchak, H. Jain |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 2 |
Pages |
0302 - 0307 |
Title |
Correlation of Raman and Photoluminescence Spectra of Al2O3 Capped Silicon Nanoparticles Grown by Reactive Pulsed Laser Deposition |
Authors |
A.P. Detty, L.M. Kukreja, B.N. Singh, V.G. Sathe, T. Shripathi, V.P. Mahadevan Pillai |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 2 |
Pages |
0323 - 0329 |
Title |
Micro-Raman and UV-Vis Studies of 100 MEv Ni4+ Irradiated Cadmium Telluride Thin Films |
Authors |
Neelam Pahwa, A.D. Yadav, S.K. Dubey, A.P. Patel |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 2 |
Pages |
0414 - 0417 |
Title |
Inprovement of Field Emission Properties of PBS Thin Films by Amorphous Carbon Coating |
Authors |
S. Jana, D. Banerjee, B. Kamaliya, K.K. Chattopadhyay |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 3 |
Pages |
0542 - 0550 |
Title |
P-V Relation for Mercuric Calcogenides: Ab Initio Method |
Authors |
M. Gautam, S. Tenguria, G. Misra |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 4 |
Pages |
0818 - 0822 |
Title |
Room Temperature Ammonia Gas Sensing Characteristics of Co3O4 |
Authors |
P.N. Shelke, S.R. Jadkar, Y.B. Khollam, S.D. Chakane, A.D. Adsool, K.C. Mohite |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 5 |
Pages |
0859 - 0867 |
Title |
Algorithm for Realistic Modeling of Graphitic Systems |
Authors |
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov |
Issue |
Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 2 |
Pages |
036 - 047 |
Title |
Structure of TiAlN Reactive Sputtered Coatings |
Authors |
V.N. Denisov, B.N. Mavrin, E.A. Vinogradov, S.N. Polyakov, A.N. Kirichenko, K.V. Gogolinsky, A.S. Useinov, V.D. Blank, V. Godinho, D. Philippon, A. Fernandez |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1 |
Pages |
01021-1 - 01021-4 |
Title |
Numerical Modeling of Thin-Film Growth by Random Deposition with Particle Evaporation |
Authors |
A. Saoudi,, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. Abboudi |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1 |
Pages |
06016-1 - 06016-6 |
Title |
Numerical Modeling of Thin-Film Growth by Random Deposition with Particle Evaporation |
Authors |
A. Saoudi,, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. AbboudiA. Saoudi, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. Abboudi |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1 |
Pages |
06016-1 - 06016-6 |
Title |
Numerical Modeling of Thin-Film Growth by Random Deposition with Particle Evaporation |
Authors |
A. Saoudi,, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. AbboudiA. Saoudi, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. Abboudi |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 1 |
Pages |
06016-1 - 06016-6 |
Title |
Change in the Electrochemical Parameters and Material Conductivity During Cycling of Electrochemical Cells with Cathodes Based on MgF2 |
Authors |
I.M. Gasyuk, М.Ja. Sichka, V.V. Ugorchuk, L.S. Kaykan, А.М. Bojchuk |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 2 |
Pages |
02018-1 - 02018-6 |
Title |
Properties of Zr – 12.5 % Nb and Zr – 25 % Nb Alloys with hcp and bcc Lattices: ab-initio Modeling |
Authors |
V.O. Kharchenko, D.O. Kharchenko, A.V. Dvornichenko |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 2 |
Pages |
02034-1 - 02034-6 |
Title |
Structure and Surface Analysis of SHI Irradiated Thin Films of Cadmium Telluride |
Authors |
Neelam Pahwa, A.D. Yadav, S.K. Dubey, A.P. Patel, Arvind Singh, D.C. Kothari |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 3 |
Pages |
03003-1 - 03003-4 |
Title |
The Asymmetry of the Distribution Density Volume Uncompensated Charge at the Metallurgical p-n Junction |
Authors |
A.S. Mazinov, А.I. Shevchenko, M.A. Bykov |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 3 |
Pages |
03026-1 - 03026-4 |
Title |
Modelling of Vibration Sensor Based on Bimorph Structure |
Authors |
M.D. Malinkovich,, I.V. Kubasov, A.M. Kislyuk, A.V. Turutin, A.S. Bykov, D.A. Kiselev, A.A. Temirov, R.N. Zhukov, N.A. Sobolev, B.M.S. Teixeira, Yu.N. Parkhomenko |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 3 |
Pages |
02033-1 - 02033-7 |
Title |
Simulation Based Analysis of Temperature Effect on Breakdown Voltage of Ion Implanted Co/n-Si Schottky Diode |
Authors |
Vibhor Kumar, J. Akhtar, Kulwant Singh, Anup Singh Maan |
Issue |
Volume 4, Year 2012, Number 4 |
Pages |
04009-1 - 04009-4 |
Title |
Neutron Diffraction Study of Ordered Structures and Phase Transitions in Vanadium Subcarbide |
Authors |
M.Yu. Tashmetov, V.T. Em, Sh. Makhkamov, N.B. Ismatov, C.H. Lee, Y.N. Choi, A.D. Pogrebnjak, U.H. Kalandarov |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 1 |
Pages |
01018-1 - 01018-4 |
Title |
A.C. Conductivity of Ag Incorporated Se-Te-Bi Glassy Alloy |
Authors |
Anup Kumar, Pawan Heera, Raman Sharma |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 2 |
Pages |
02020-1 - 02020-5 |
Title |
Field Emission Behaviour of the Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) System |
Authors |
Avshish Kumar, Shama Parveen, Samina Husain, Javid Ali, Harsh, M. Husain |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 2 |
Pages |
02012-1 - 02012-3 |
Title |
Frictional Anisotropy of Metal Nanoparticles Adsorbed on Graphene |
Authors |
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, M.A. Khomenko, B.O. Krasulya |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 3 |
Pages |
03018-1 - 03018-8 |
Title |
Electron States and Quasienergy Spectrum of the Graphene Exposed to the Electromagnetic Wave |
Authors |
S.V. Kryuchkov, E.I. Kukhar’, O.S. Nikitina |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 3 |
Pages |
03005-1 - 03005-4 |
Title |
Magnetoresistance and Anomalous Hall Effect of InSb Doped with Mn |
Authors |
A.V. Kochura, B.A. Aronzon, M. Alam, A. Lashkul, S.F. Marenkin, M.A. Shakhov, E.P. Kochura, E. Lahderanta |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04015-1 - 04015-6 |
Title |
Magnetic Properties of AIIBIVCV2 Compounds Doped with Mn |
Authors |
A.V. Kochura, S.V. Ivanenko, A. Lashkul, E.P. Kochura, S.F. Marenkin, I.V. Fedorchenko, A.P. Kuzmenko, E. Lahderanta |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04013-1 - 04013-4 |
Title |
The Synthesis of Metalcarbon Nanocomposite Ni / C on the Basis of Polyacrylonitrile |
Authors |
L.V. Kozhitov, D.G. Muratov, E.V. Yakushko, S.L. Kozhitov, A.G. Savchenko, I.V. Shchetinin, S.G. Emelyanov, L.M. Chervjakov |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04007-1 - 04007-4 |
Title |
Mechanically Stacked Triple-junction GaInP / GaAs / Si Solar Cell Simulation |
Authors |
A.B. Gnilenko, S.V. Plaksin |
Issue |
Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4 |
Pages |
04057-1 - 04057-6 |
Title |
Simulation Study on the Open-Circuit Voltage of Amorphous Silicon p-i-n Solar Cells Using AMPS-1D |
Authors |
B.M. Omer, F.A. Mohammed, A. Seed Ahmed Mahgoub |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 1 |
Pages |
01006-1 - 01006-4 |
Title |
Tribological Properties of Nano-dimensional Systems Containing Carbon Surfaces |
Authors |
A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, К.P. Khomenko, D.S. Troshchenko |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 1 |
Pages |
01012-1 - 01012-12 |
Title |
Experimental Study of Coherent Summation of Radiation from Two Widely Aperture Pulsed |
Authors |
V.E. Rogalin, I.A. Kaplunov, I.K. Babaev, Yu.M. Vaskovsky, M.I. Zhavoronkov, V.M. Ivanov, A.S. Korenev |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-3 |
Title |
Labyrinth Domain Structure in the Models with Long-range Interaction |
Authors |
V.Yu. Kapitan, K.V. Nefedev |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03005-1 - 03005-4 |
Title |
Distribution of Exchange Interaction Fields for 2D and 3D Systems of Spherical Dipoles |
Authors |
A.G. Makarov, K.V. Nefedev |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03010-1 - 03010-4 |
Title |
Concentration Transitions on the Crystalline Lattices |
Authors |
N.A. Gorenko K.V. Nefedev |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03012-1 - 03012-3 |
Title |
Photosensitive AlGaAs / GaAs Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy |
Authors |
M.A. Bazalevsky, G.I. Koltsov, S.I. Didenko, S.Yu. Yurchuk, S.A. Legotin, O.I. Rabinovich, V.N. Murashev, I.P. Kazakov |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03019-1 - 03019-3 |
Title |
On Properties of Magneto-dielectric Composites in the Effective Medium Approximation |
Authors |
A.T. Morchenko, L.V. Panina, S.V. Podgornaya, V.G. Kostishyn, P.A. Ryapolov |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03073-1 - 03073-6 |
Title |
Structural, Dimensional and Thermoelectric Properties of Melt Spun p-Bi0,5Sb1,5Te3 |
Authors |
A.A. Melnikov, V.G. Kostishin, S.A. Kichik, V.V. Alenkov |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03061-1 - 03061-4 |
Title |
The Use of GPUs for Solving the Computed Tomography Problem |
Authors |
A.E. Kovtanyuk |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03050-1 - 03050-4 |
Title |
Defragmentation, Thermocapillary Extraction and Agglomeration of Ultradispersed Inclusions of Noble Metals in Laser Processing |
Authors |
A.P. Kuzmenko, N.A. Leonenko, I.V. Khrapov, M.B. Dobromyslov |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03054-1 - 03054-2 |
Title |
Effect of Bias Fields on off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance (MI) Sensor Performance |
Authors |
N.A. Yudanov, A.A. Rudyonok, L.V. Panina, A.V. Kolesnikov, A.T. Morchenko, V.G. Kostishyn |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03046-1 - 03046-4 |
Title |
The Structure and Magnetic Properties Metal-carbon Nanocomposites NiCo / C on Based of Polyacrylonitrile |
Authors |
L.V. Kozhitov, D.G. Muratov, S.G. Emelyanov, V.G. Kostishin, E.V. Yakushko, A.G. Savchenko, I.V. Schetinin, E.P. Mosyakina |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03040-1 - 03040-3 |
Title |
Features of Formation of the Nanoparticles of Alloys in Metal-carbon Nanocomposites FeCo / C and NiCo / C on Based Polyacrylonitrile |
Authors |
L.V. Kozhitov, D.G. Muratov, V.G. Kostishin, A.G. Savchenko, I.V. Schetinin, A.V. Popkova, E.V. Yakushko, L.M. Chervjakov, |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03038-1 - 03038-4 |
Title |
The Structure and Magnetic Properties Metal-carbon Nanocomposites FeCo / C on Based of Polyacrylonitrile |
Authors |
L.V. Kozhitov, D.G. Muratov, V.G. Kostishin, A.G. Savchenko, I.V. Schetinin, V.A. Tarala, A.V. Popkova, L.M. Chervjakov |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Pages |
03039-1 - 03039-4 |
Title |
Effect of High-frequency Laser Radiation on the Graphene Current-voltage Characteristic |
Authors |
S.V. Kryuchkov, E.I. Kukhar’, O.S. Nikitina |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 4 |
Pages |
04003-1 - 04003-4 |
Title |
Volatile Organic Compounds are Ghosts for Organic Solar Cells |
Authors |
Prakash R. Somani, Savita P. Somani, Masayoshi Umeno |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 4 |
Pages |
04010-1 - 04010-2 |
Title |
Linewidth of Cyclotron Absorption in Band-Gap Graphene: Relaxation Time Approximation vs. Monte Carlo Method |
Authors |
S.V. Kryuchkov, E.I. Kukhar’, D.V. Zav’yalov |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 1 |
Pages |
01007-1 - 01007-5 |
Title |
Two Approaches in Computer Simulation of the MFM-images |
Authors |
E.A. Mozharova, K.V. Nefedev |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 1 |
Pages |
01010-1 - 01010-3 |
Title |
Metal Defectoscopy by the Capacitive Acoustic Method: The Physical Base Development |
Authors |
B.M. Gorkunov, I.V. Tupa, L.V. Zaitseva, G.S. Khrypunov, R.V. Zaitsev, A.L. Khrypunova |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 1 |
Pages |
01038-1 - 01038-5 |
Title |
The Influence of the Ion Implantation of Au– to the Microstructure of the Amorphous-nanocrystaline AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 |
Authors |
K.V. Smyrnova, А.A. Demianenko, K.A. Dyadyura, A.S. Radko, A.V. Pshyk, O.V. Kuzovlev, H. Amekura, K. Oyoshi, Y. Takeda |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 1 |
Pages |
01040-1 - 01040-5 |
Title |
Influence of Experimental Dehydration on Structural Characteristics of Bone Mineral |
Authors |
E.V. Husak, S.N. Danilchenko, V.N. Kuznetsov, E.V. Gordienko, M.V. Pogorielov |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 2 |
Pages |
02038-1 - 02038-5 |
Title |
Natural Dyes as Photosensitizers for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells |
Authors |
Hatem S. El-Ghamri, Sofyan A. Taya, Taher M. El-Agez, Amal M. Al-Kahlout, Naji Al Dahoudi, Monzir S. Abdel-Latif |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 3 |
Pages |
03001-1 - 03001-6 |
Title |
Transportation of Low-voltage Sheet Helical Electron Beam for Confocal Gyrotron with Pulsed Magnetic System |
Authors |
Yu.S. Kovshov, S.V. Starokozhev, S.A. Kishko, S.S. Ponomarenko, S.A. Vlasenko, A.N. Kuleshov, B.P. Yefimov |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 3 |
Pages |
03039-1 - 03039-7 |
Title |
Hydrogenation of Laser-crystallized a-Si:H Films |
Authors |
M.V. Khenkin, D.V. Amasev, A.G. Kazanskii, P.A. Forsh |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 3 |
Pages |
03048-1 - 03048-6 |
Title |
CoRa: An Innovative Software for Raman Spectroscopy |
Authors |
K. Shportko, R. Ruekamp, H. Klym |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 3 |
Pages |
03005-1 - 03005-4 |
Title |
Two-dimensional Few-circle Optical Pulses in the Inhomogeneous Environment of Carbon Nanotubes |
Authors |
M.B. Belonenko, I.S. Dvuzhilov, O.Yu. Tuzalina |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04013-1 - 04013-4 |
Title |
The Physical Model of Formation of Hexagonal Ferrites BaFe12O19 |
Authors |
M.N. Shipko, V.G. Kostishyn, D.N. Chitanov |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04046-1 - 04046-4 |
Title |
Synthesis of Nanostructured Tin Oxide (SnO2) Powders and Thin Films by Sol-Gel Method |
Authors |
Ashok D. Bhagwat, Sachin S. Sawant, Balaprasad G. Ankamwar, Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04037-1 - 04037-4 |
Title |
Ferromagnetic Alloys: Magnetoresistance, Microstructure, Magnetism, and Beyond (Review) |
Authors |
Conrad Rizal, Boris B. Niraula |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04068-1 - 04068-16 |
Title |
The Influence of Synthesis Temperature on the Structure, Composition and Magnetic Properties of Nanocomposites NiCo/C |
Authors |
D.G. Muratov, L.V. Kozhitov, S.G. Emelyanov, E.V. Yakushko, M.F. Bulatov |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04071-1 - 04071-4 |
Title |
Photostimulated Negative Conductivity of Semiconductor Superlattice |
Authors |
S.V. Kryuchkov, E.I. Kukhar’ |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04072-1 - 04072-5 |
Title |
The Electron Scattering on Local Potential of Crystal Defects in GaSb Whiskers |
Authors |
A.A. Druzhinin, I.P. Ostrovskii, Yu.N. Khoverko, І.I. Khytruk |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04084-1 - 04084-4 |
Title |
Heterocyclic Polymers Perspectives in Nanolayers of Donor Acceptor Heterojunction for Organic Photovoltaic Application |
Authors |
M.N. Orlova, S.I. Didenko, O.I. Rabinovich, D.S. Saranin |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04085-1 - 04085-4 |
Title |
Nonlinear Effects of Laser Surface Modification of Ore Minerals |
Authors |
N.A. Leonenko, E.A. Vanina, E.M. Veselovа, A.P. Kuzmenko |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04055-1 - 04055-3 |
Title |
Magnetic Microstructure Aluminum-substituted Barium Hexaferrite for Microwave Devices mm-Wavelength Range |
Authors |
M.N. Shipko, V.V. Korovushkin, V.G. Kostishyn, N.D. Ursulyak, A.G. Nalogin, E.S. Savtchenko |
Issue |
Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4 |
Pages |
04075-1 - 04075-4 |
Title |
Surface Polaritons with Negative Group Velocity in Structure with Transition Layer |
Authors |
Y.M. Aleksandrov, V.V. Yatsishen |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01013-1 - 01013-3 |
Title |
Peculiarities of Stark-phonon Resonance in Two-dimensional Superlattices with Non-additive Energy Spectrum |
Authors |
D.V. Zav’yalov, S.V. Kruchkov, E.S. Ionkina |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01019-1 - 01019-3 |
Title |
Dyes Extracted from Safflower, Medicago Sativa, and Ros Marinus Oficinalis as Photosensitizers for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells |
Authors |
Sofyan A. Taya, Taher M. El-Agez, Monzir S. Abdel-Latif, Hatem Ghamri, Amal Batniji, Wael A. Tabaza |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01026-1 - 01026-5 |
Title |
Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) Nanoparticles – a Review |
Authors |
Sachin S. Sawant, Ashok D. Bhagwat, Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01035-1 - 01035-5 |
Title |
Novel Facile Technique for Synthesis of Stable Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) Nanoparticles – an Ageing Effect |
Authors |
Sachin S. Sawant, Ashok D. Bhagwat, Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01036-1 - 01036-4 |
Title |
Facile Rapid Synthesis of Polyaniline (PANI) Nanofibers |
Authors |
Sachin S. Sawant, Ashok D. Bhagwat, Chandrashekhar M. Mahajan |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01037-1 - 01037-3 |
Title |
Effect of the Chromium Ion Adsorption on the Photoluminescent Properties of Titanium Dioxide |
Authors |
V.V. Shimanovska, L.A. Kernazhitsky, T.A. Gavrilko, V.V. Naumov, L.L. Fedorenko, V.S. Kshnyakin |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 1 |
Pages |
01039-1 - 01039-10 |
Title |
Thermal Conductivity of Zinc Oxide Micro- and Nanocomposites |
Authors |
B.I. Turko, V.В. Kapustianyk, V.P. Rudyk, Y.V. Rudyk |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02004-1 - 02004-4 |
Title |
Influence of Annealing on the Morphology of the Vacuum-free Coatings NbNх, NbNx : Si |
Authors |
V.N. Rogoz, A.P. Kuzmenko, O.V. Sobol′, A. Plyushchyk |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02019-1 - 02019-5 |
Title |
Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation for Description of Small-amplitude Spin Waves in Multilayer Magnetic Materials |
Authors |
I.V. Gerasimchuk, Yu.I. Gorobets, V.S. Gerasimchuk |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02020-1 - 02020-7 |
Title |
Thermoelectric Properties of Oblique SiGe Whiskers |
Authors |
A. Druzhinin, I. Ostrovskii, N. Liakh-Kaguy, Iu. Kogut |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02030-1 - 02030-5 |
Title |
Effect of Annealing on the Properties of Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films Prepared by CBD Method |
Authors |
A. Djelloul, M. Adnane, Y. Larbah, M. Zerdali, C. Zegadi, A. Messaoud |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02005-1 - 02005-7 |
Title |
Spray Deposited Nanocrystalline ZnO Transparent Electrodes: Role of Precursor Solvent |
Authors |
C.M. Mahajan, M. Pendharkar, Y.A. Chaudhari, S.S. Sawant, B. Ankamwar, M.G. Takwale |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02026-1 - 02026-5 |
Title |
Anodized Nanoporous Titania Thin Films for Dental Application: Structure’ Effect on Corrosion Behavior |
Authors |
A. Boucheham, , A. Karaali, M. Berouaken, Y. Larbah |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2 |
Pages |
02028-1 - 02028-6 |
Title |
Quantum-chemical Calculations of the Adsorption of CO on the Metal Oxide Clusters |
Authors |
E.A. Koblova, A.Yu. Ustinov, O.L. Shcheka |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03003-1 - 03003-4 |
Title |
Magnetic Properties and Local Parameters of Crystal Structure for BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19 Hexagonal Ferrites |
Authors |
M.N. Shipko, V.G. Kostishyn, V.V. Korovushkin, I.M. Isaev, M.A. Stepovich, A.I. Tikhonov, E.S. Savchenko |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-4 |
Title |
Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Fe-Co-Ni Three-component Alloy Capsulated Into Carbon Matrix of Fe-Co-Ni/C Nanocomposites |
Authors |
D.G. Muratov, L.V. Kozhitov, S.G. Emelyanov, A.V. Vasilyev, A.V. Popkova, A.A. Pavlova |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03037-1 - 03037-3 |
Title |
Femtosecond Laser Crystallization of Boron-doped Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Films |
Authors |
P.D. Rybalko, M.V. Khenkin, P.A. Forsh, R. Drevinskas, A.N. Matsukatova, P. Kazansky, A.G. Kazanskii |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03038-1 - 03038-3 |
Title |
Two-dimensional Few-circle Optical Pulses of Bessel Profile in Bragg- environment with Carbon Nanotubes |
Authors |
M.B. Belonenko, I.S. Dvuzhilov, Yu.V. Nevzorova, O.Yu. Tuzalina |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03042-1 - 03042-4 |
Title |
Crystalline Structure, Electrophysical and Magnetoresistive Properties of High Entropy Film Alloys |
Authors |
S.I. Vorobiov, D.M. Kondrakhova, S.A. Nepijko, D.V. Poduremne, N.I. Shumakova, I.Yu. Protsenko |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03026-1 - 03026-5 |
Title |
Thickness-dependent Electrical and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 Thin Films |
Authors |
D.A. Kiselev, S.A. Levashov, M.S. Afanasiev, A.M. Kiselev, G.V. Chucheva |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 3 |
Pages |
03027-1 - 03027-5 |
Title |
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Hydrazonoyl Synthetic Dyes |
Authors |
Monzir S. Abdel-Latif, Amal Batniji, Taher M. El-Agez, Malak J. Younis, Hatem Ghamri, Bassam A. Abu Thaher, Basem S. Qeshta, Fakhr M. Abu-Awwad, Sofyan A. Taya |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04038-1 - 04038-9 |
Title |
Semiholographic Approach in Calculation of Tunneling Current in Graphene with Deep Impurities |
Authors |
M.B. Belonenko, N.N. Konobeeva |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04029-1 - 04029-3 |
Title |
The Study of Thermal Decomposition of Natural Calcium Carbonate by the Temperature-programmed Mass Spectrometry Technique |
Authors |
S.N. Danilchenko, V.D. Chіvanov, A.G. Ryabishev, S.V. Novіkov, A.A. Stepanenko, V.N. Kuznetsov, E.V. Mironets, A.V. Marіychuk, A.A. Yanovska, O.G. Bordunova, A.N. Bugay |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04031-1 - 04031-3 |
Title |
Structural and Optical Properties of Mg Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering |
Authors |
A.Sh. Asvarov, S.Sh. Makhmudov, A.Kh. Abduev, A.K. Akhmedov, M.A. Aliev, B.A. Bilalov |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04053-1 - 04053-4 |
Title |
Prediction of Betavoltaic Battery Output Parameters Based on SEM Measurements |
Authors |
E.B. Yakimov, M.A. Polikarpov, A.A. Krasnov |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04062-1 - 04062-3 |
Title |
Investigation of Nanostructure Phase Composition and Field Emission Properties in the Ge/Si (100) System |
Authors |
S.A. Nepijko, A.A. Sapozhnik, A.G. Naumovets, Yu.N. Kozyrev, M. Klimenkov, S.I. Protsenko, L.V. Odnodvorets, I.Yu. Protsenko |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04067-1 - 04067-4 |
Title |
Influence of Surfactants on the Activity Powders of Barium Hexaferrite, Prepared by Wet Grinding |
Authors |
V.G. Andreev, V.G. Kostishyn, A.G. Nalogin, A.Yu. Adamtsov, P.A. Ryapolov |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04079-1 - 04079-3 |
Title |
Measuring the Magnetic Field Using the Zeeman Effect in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of GaSe and InSe Compounds |
Authors |
A.P. Samila, G.I. Lastivka, V.O. Khandozhko |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04081-1 - 04081-4 |
Title |
Anisotropy of Structure and Strength Properties of High-Temperature Cu-Cr-Zr Composite, Induced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing |
Authors |
A.I. Belyaeva, A.A. Galuza, I.V. Kolenov, S.N. Faizova, G.I. Raab, I.A. Faizov |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04082-1 - 04082-6 |
Title |
Enhanced Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Bilayers of Silver-Barium Titanate |
Authors |
S. Fouad, Naseer Sabri, Z.A.Z. Jamal, P. Poopalan |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04085-1 - 04085-5 |
Title |
Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of NiO Nanostructure Thin Film |
Authors |
M. Ghougali, O. Belahssen, A. Chala |
Issue |
Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4 |
Pages |
04059-1 - 04059-4 |
Title |
DFT Study of Intrinsic and Induced p-type Conductivity of ZnO Material |
Authors |
F. Marcillo, L. Villamagua, A. Stashans |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 1 |
Pages |
01024-1 - 01024-6 |
Title |
Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on Shape Memory and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Cu-Zn-Al Alloy |
Authors |
M. Bagherpour, A. Shokouhfar, A. Zolriasatein, A. Farzaneh Bahelgerdy |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 1 |
Pages |
01008-1 - 01008-6 |
Title |
Two Dimensional Modeling of III-V Heterojunction Gate All Around Tunnel Field Effect Transistor |
Authors |
Manjula Vijh, R.S. Gupta, Sujata Pandey |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 1 |
Pages |
01030-1 - 01030-4 |
Title |
Sonochemical Synthesis of AgInS2 Quantum Dots and Characterisation |
Authors |
B.B. Panda, R.K. Rana, B. Sharma |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2 |
Pages |
02002-1 - 02002-4 |
Title |
Two-Dimensional Graphene Superlattice:Energy Spectrum and Current-Voltage Characteristics |
Authors |
S.V. Kryuchkov, C.A. Popov |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2 |
Pages |
02013-1 - 02013-4 |
Title |
Thermally Stimulated Luminescence of ZnO Nanowires |
Authors |
M.R. Panasiuk, B.I. Turko, L.R. Toporovska, V.B. Kapustianyk, M.S. Rudko |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2 |
Pages |
02018-1 - 02018-3 |
Title |
CdTe Based X/γ-ray Detector with MoOx Contacts |
Authors |
O.L. Maslyanchuk, M.M. Solovan, V.V. Brus, E.V. Maistruk, S.V. Solodin |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 3 |
Pages |
03035-1 - 03035-4 |
Title |
Effect of Sprayed Solution Volume on Structural and Optical Properties of Nickel Oxide Thin Films |
Authors |
S. Benhamida, B. Benhaoua, R. Barir, A. Rahal, A. Benhaoua |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-5 |
Title |
Effect of Annealing in Physical Properties of NiO Nanostructure Thin Film |
Authors |
M. Ghougali, O. Belahssen, A. Chala |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 3 |
Pages |
03043-1 - 03043-3 |
Title |
Small Signal Parameter Extraction of III-V Heterojunction Surrounding Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor |
Authors |
Manjula Vijh, R.S. Gupta, Sujata Pandey |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 4 |
Pages |
04004-1 - 04004-4 |
Title |
Development of Numerical Method for Optimizing Silicon Solar Cell Efficiency |
Authors |
E. Chahid, M. Fedaoui, M. Nachaoui, N.R. Chowdhury, A. Malaoui |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 4 |
Pages |
04019-1 - 04019-6 |
Title |
Photoelectric Signal Conversion in Deep p-n Junction for Detection of Carbon Nanotubes with Adsorbed SDBS in Aqueous Solution |
Authors |
A.I. Manilov, A.V. Kozinetz, I.V. Gavrilchenko, Y.S. Milovanov, T.M. Mukhamedzhanov, S.A. Alekseev, M. Al Araimi, S.V. Litvinenko, A. Rozhin, V.A. Skryshevsky |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 4 |
Pages |
04020-1 - 04020-6 |
Title |
High-performance Monte Carlo Simulation of Multilayer Magnetic Films |
Authors |
V.Yu. Kapitan, A.V. Perzhu, K.V. Nefedev |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5 |
Pages |
05015-1 - 05015-4 |
Title |
Superconductivity and Kondo Effect of PdxBi2Se3 Whiskers at Low Temperatures |
Authors |
A.A. Druzhinin, N.S. Liakh-Kaguy, I.P. Ostrovskii, Yu.M. Khoverko, K. Rogacki |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5 |
Pages |
05013-1 - 05013-5 |
Title |
Effect of substitution on the mechanism of conductivity of ultra dispersed lithium - iron spinel, substituted with magnesium ions |
Authors |
B.K. Ostafiychuk, L.S. Kaykan, J.S. Mazurenko, B.Ya. Deputat, S.V. Koren |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5 |
Pages |
05018-1 - 05018-6 |
Title |
The Influence of Surface Doping on Adsorption Ability of Nanopowder Metal Oxides for Gas Sensors |
Authors |
Ya.V. Bobitski, R.V. Bovhyra, D.I. Popovych, , S.S. Savka, A.S. Serednytski, V.N. Shevchuk, Yu.I. Venhryn |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5 |
Pages |
05008-1 - 05008-5 |
Title |
The Surface Morphology of CdTe Thin Films Obtained by Open Evaporation in Vacuum |
Authors |
Y.P. Saliy, L.I. Nykyruy, R.S. Yavorskyi, S.Adamiak |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5 |
Pages |
05016-1 - 05016-5 |
Title |
Simulation of the Process of a Micro-components Fabrication for Vacuum Electronics and X-ray Optics Using Proton Beam Writing |
Authors |
A.G. Ponomarev, A.S. Lapin, S.V. Kolinko, V.A. Rebrov, V.O. Zhurba, M.V. Petrovskyi, V.N. Kolomiec, C.N. Kravchenko |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06010-1 - 06010-5 |
Title |
Computer Simulation of Electrical Characteristics of the Carbon Nanochains |
Authors |
D.M. Sergeyev, K.Sh. Shunkeyev |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06019-1 - 06019-6 |
Title |
Effect of TiO2 Layers Thickness Inhomogeneity on Transport of Charge Carriers in Disperse Dye Solar Cells |
Authors |
I.I. Ivanov, V.B. Lozinskii, V.P. Kasatkin |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06001-1 - 06001-5 |
Title |
New Optimized Intermediate Band (IB) Design to Improve ZnTeO Solar Cell Performances |
Authors |
B. Lakehal, Z. Dibi, N. Lakhdar |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06005-1 - 06005-4 |
Title |
Ionizing Radiation Induced Modification of the Copper Nanotubes Structure |
Authors |
M.V. Zdorovets, А.А. Mashentseva, A.L. Kozlovskiy, I.A. Ivanov, К.К. Kadyrzhanov |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06017-1 - 06017-6 |
Title |
A Comparative Study of Increasing Sensitivity Based on MoS2 Gas Sensor |
Authors |
S.R. Shakil, N. Tarannum, M.K. Rhaman, |
Issue |
Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 6 |
Pages |
06003-1 - 06003-4 |
Title |
Transport Phenomena for Development Inductive Elements Based on Silicon Wires |
Authors |
A.A. Druzhinin, I.P. Ostrovskii, Yu.M. Khoverko, R.M. Koretskyy, M.Yu. Chernetskiy |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 2 |
Pages |
02038-1 - 02038-5 |
Title |
Properties of Undoped and (Al, In) Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis for Solar Cell Applications |
Authors |
A. Djelloul, Y. Larbah, M. Adnane, B. Labdelli, M.I. Ziane, A. Manseri, A. Messaoud |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 2 |
Pages |
02036-1 - 02036-5 |
Title |
Indirect Interaction in Graphene Nanostructures |
Authors |
N.N. Konobeeva, M.B. Belonenko |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 2 |
Pages |
02040-1 - 02040-3 |
Title |
Photoluminescence Study of ZnO Nanostructures Grown by Hydrothermal Method |
Authors |
B.I. Turko, V.В. Kapustianyk, L.R. Toporovska, V.P. Rudyk, V.S. Tsybulskyi, R.Y. Serkiz |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 2 |
Pages |
02002-1 - 02002-4 |
Title |
Planar Defects Impact on Non-fundamental Efficiency Losses in mc-Si Solar Cells |
Authors |
A.V. Prykhodko |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3 |
Pages |
03019-1 - 03019-5 |
Title |
Surface-barrier Structures Au/n-CdS: Fabrication and Electrophysical Properties |
Authors |
R. Petrus, H. Ilchuk, A. Kashuba, I. Semkiv, E. Zmiiovska, F. Honchar, R. Lys |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3 |
Pages |
03020-1 - 03020-6 |
Title |
Effect of Orthophosphoric Acid on Morphology of Nanoporous Carbon Materials |
Authors |
B.K. Ostafiychuk, R.P. Lisovskiy, Al-Saedi Abdul Halek Zamil, B.I. Rachiy, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, P.I. Kolkovsky, R.I. Merena, A.B. Hrubiak |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3 |
Pages |
03036-1 - 03036-6 |
Title |
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles by Cathode Sputtering in Radio-frequency Plasma |
Authors |
Zh.T. Nakysbekov, M.Zh. Buranbayev, M.B. Aitzhanov, G.S. Suyundykova, M.T. Gabdullin |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 3 |
Pages |
03010-1 - 03010-4 |
Title |
Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Polycrystalline CdS Thick Film Prepared by Screen Printing |
Authors |
B.Y. Bagul, P.S. Sonawane, A.Z. Shaikh, Y.N. Rane, S.R. Gosavi |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 5 |
Pages |
05018-1 - 05018-4 |
Title |
Effect of Annealing Temperature on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method |
Authors |
S. Benramache, Y. Aoun, S. Lakel, H. Mourghade, R. Gacem, B. Benhaoua |
Issue |
Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 6 |
Pages |
06032-1 - 06032-4 |
Title |
Spectral and Photometric Methods for Parameter Control of LED Radiation Sources |
Authors |
A.I. Kolesnyk, D.O. Usichenko, L.A. Nazarenko |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 1 |
Pages |
01002-1 - 01002-6 |
Title |
Magnetic Quantum Effects in Electronic Semiconductors at Microwave-radiation Absorption |
Authors |
G. Gulyamov, U.I. Erkaboev, A.G. Gulyamov |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 1 |
Pages |
01020-1 - 01020-6 |
Title |
X-ray Investigation of SiC Nanostructure on Cu Films |
Authors |
G.S. Suyundykova, B.Z. Mansurov, G. Partizan, .K. Kenzhegulov, B.S. Medyanova, B.A. Aliev, Zh.T. Nakysbekov, B.E. Zhumadilov |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 2 |
Pages |
02002-1 - 02002-4 |
Title |
Optical Properties of in-situ Chemically Synthesized PANI-TiO2 Nanocomposites |
Authors |
Ajay Kumar Sharma, Rishi Vyas, Praveen Kumar Jain, Umesh Chand, Vipin Kumar Jain |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 2 |
Pages |
02012-1 - 02012-5 |
Title |
Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Chitosan/magnetite Nanocomposite Fluid |
Authors |
P.P. Gorbyk, Ie.V. Pylypchuk, V.I. Petrenko, T.Yu. Nikolaienko |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 4 |
Pages |
04017-1 - 04017-5 |
Title |
BSIM3v3 Characterization and Simulation of MOS Si1 – xGex Transistors with 130 nm Submicron Technology |
Authors |
M. Hebali, M. Bennaoum, M. Benzohra, D. Chalabi, A. Saïdane |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 4 |
Pages |
04021-1 - 04021-6 |
Title |
Effect of Increasing Concentrations on Sprayed Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films |
Authors |
N. Sebaa, M. Adnane, A. Djelloul,, A. Abderrahmane, T. Sahraoui |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05009-1 - 05009-5 |
Title |
High-vacuum Pump of Orbitron Type: Electrophysical Principles of Work and Design Features |
Authors |
V.В. Loboda, J.Q. Ren, M.Ya. Dovzhyk, S.M. Khursenko, M.C. Liang |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05010-1 - 05010-7 |
Title |
Enhanced Optical and Dielectric Properties of PANI/rGO Nanocomposites for Supercapacitor Application |
Authors |
Ajay Kumar Sharma, Praveen Kumar Jain, Rishi Vyas, Vishal Mathur, Vipin Kumar Jain |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05026-1 - 05026-5 |
Title |
Effect of Graphene Nanoplatelet Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity of Silicone Thermal Grease |
Authors |
M.T. Phuong, P.V. Trinh, N.V. Tuyen, N.N. Dinh, P.N. Minh, N.D. Dung, B.H. Thang |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05039-1 - 05039-4 |
Title |
Effect of rGO Concentration on the Thermal Stability of PANI/rGO Nanocomposites |
Authors |
Ajay Kumar Sharma, Praveen Kumar Jain, Rishi Vyas, Vishal Mathur, Vipin Kumar Jain |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05042-1 - 05042-3 |
Title |
Evaluation and Extraction of Electrical Parameters of Different Photovoltaic Models Using Iterative Methods |
Authors |
B. Benabdelkrim, A. Benatillah, T. Ghaitaoui |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 5 |
Pages |
05008-1 - 05008-7 |
Title |
Study of the Effect of Film Thickness on Structure and Optical Properties of Nanostructured ZnS Thin Films Deposited by Spray Technique |
Authors |
M. Ayadi, M. Sebais, S. Benramache, A. Benhaoua, B. Benhaoua, O. Halimi, B. Boudine, A. Bensouici |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 6 |
Pages |
06013-1 - 06013-5 |
Title |
Features of the Electrical Characteristics of an Octagraphene Nanotube |
Authors |
D. Sergeyev |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 6 |
Pages |
06022-1 - 06022-5 |
Title |
Properties and Application of Nanoporous Silica Filled with Polyaniline and Iodine |
Authors |
Tomasz Popławski, Anna Pidluzhna, Fedir Ivashchyshyn, Piotr Chabecki, Roman Shvets |
Issue |
Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 6 |
Pages |
06023-1 - 06023-5 |
Title |
Production, Structure and Properties of Coatings Based on Al2O3 Obtained by Magnetron Method |
Authors |
D.А. Kolesnikov, I.V. Sudzhanskaya, I.Yu. Goncharov, S.V. Lytovchenko, V.Yu. Novikov, Е.А. Kudryavtsev, B.O. Mazilin, Е.V. Krytsyna, V.M. Beresnev, O.V. Glukhov |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 1 |
Pages |
01022-1 - 01022-4 |
Title |
Magnetocaloric Effect in Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloy |
Authors |
Anna Kosogor, Serafima I. Palamarchuk, Victor A. L’vov |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 1 |
Pages |
01018-1 - 01018-4 |
Title |
Investigation of Supercapacitive Behaviour of Electrodeposited Cobalt Oxide Thin Film by Potentiostatic Mode |
Authors |
S.S. Gavande, Y.H. Navale, A.S. Salunkhe, Shivani Gavande, P.S. Kulkarni, B.R. Karche |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02011-1 - 02011-8 |
Title |
Study of Structural and Optical Properties of FeS2 Nanoparticles Prepared by Polyol Method |
Authors |
G.S. Chandrawat, J. Tripathi, A.Sharma, J. Singh, S. Tripathi, Jyotsna Chouhan |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02016-1 - 02016-3 |
Title |
Surfactant Free Synthesis and Study of Vanadium Pentoxide Nanostructure |
Authors |
V.M. Jain, D.V. Shah, K.K. Patel, M.S. Shah |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02017-1 - 02017-3 |
Title |
Fabrication of Silica/PMMA Composite Based Superhydrophobic Coating by Drop Casting Method |
Authors |
Sanjay S. Latthe, Rajaram S. Sutar, A.K. Bhosale, Vishnu S. Kodag, Poonam M. Shewale, Ruimin Xing, Shanhu Liu |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02023-1 - 02023-4 |
Title |
Tin Oxide Nanostructure Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation as Potential NO2 Sensor |
Authors |
S.M. Ingole, Y.H. Navale, A.S. Salunkh, M.A. Chougule, G.D. Khuspe, V.B. Patil |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02024-1 - 02024-3 |
Title |
Effect of Annealing on Magnetic and Structural Properties of FeNi Thin Films |
Authors |
A. Sharma, J. Tripathi, Yogesh Kumar, G.S. Chandrawat, R. Bisen, S. Tripathi |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02040-1 - 02040-4 |
Title |
Room Temperature Synthesized TiO2/Bi2Se3 Bilayer Thin Film by Simple Chemical Route: Study the Effect of Deposition Time of Bismuth Selenide on Physical Properties of Film |
Authors |
Vijay Baviskar, Dattatray M. Nerkar, Prashant Baviskar, Dipak Salunkhe, S.R. Gosavi, R.S. Patil |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 2 |
Pages |
02038-1 - 02038-4 |
Title |
Hopping Conductivity Mechanism in Cd3As2 Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering |
Authors |
V.S. Zakhvalinskii, E.A. Pilyuk, T.B. Nikulicheva, S.V. Ivanchikhin, M.N. Yaprintsev, I.Yu. Goncharov, D.A. Kolesnikov, A.A. Morocho, О.V. Glukhov |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 3 |
Pages |
03029-1 - 03029-4 |
Title |
Electroconductive and Polarization Properties of Inorganic-organic MCM-41 (PTHQ) Encapsulant |
Authors |
F.O. Ivashchyshyn, G.V. Baryshnikov, R. Galagan, V. Litvin, D. Calus, R.Ya. Shvets, P. Chabecki, N.T. Pokladok |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 3 |
Pages |
03032-1 - 03032-5 |
Title |
Characterization of Spin Coated Tin Oxide Thin Films for Optoelectronic Applications |
Authors |
M. Maache, A. Chala, T. Devers |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 3 |
Pages |
03010-1 - 03010-5 |
Title |
Optical Extraction Efficiency for External Cavity Quantum Cascade Lasers |
Authors |
A. Hamadou |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-5 |
Title |
Electric Properties of MCM-41 SmCl3 Nanohybrid Encapsulate |
Authors |
Fedir Ivashchyshyn, Dariusz Calus, Anna Pidluzhna, Piotr Chabecki |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 3 |
Pages |
03014-1 - 03014-5 |
Title |
An Ultra-low Power, High SNM, High Speed and High Temperature of 6T-SRAM Cell in 3C-SiC 130 nm CMOS Technology |
Authors |
D. Berbara, M. Abboun Abid, M. Hebali, M. Benzohra, D. Chalabi |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 4 |
Pages |
04024-1 - 04024-4 |
Title |
Adhesion Strength of TiZrN/TiSiN Nanocomposite Coatings on a Steel Substrate with Transition Layer |
Authors |
V.M. Beresnev, S.V. Lytovchenko, B.O. Mazilin, D.V. Horokh, V.А. Stolbovoy, D.А. Kolesnikov, I.V. Kolodiy, S. Zhanyssov |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 4 |
Pages |
04030-1 - 04030-6 |
Title |
Some Types of Carbon-based Nanomaterials as Contrast Agents for Photoacoustic Tomography |
Authors |
Kateryna Dubyk, Lesia Chepela, Sergei Alekseev, Andrey Kuzmich, Boris Zousman, Olga Levinson, Aleksey Rozhin, Alain Geloen, Mykola Isaiev, Vladimir Lysenko |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 4 |
Pages |
04033-1 - 04033-6 |
Title |
Structural and Optical Properties of Polycrystalline ZnO Nanopowder Synthesized by Direct Precipitation Technique |
Authors |
Suresh Kumar, Divya Arora, Anu Dhupar, Vandana Sharma, J.K. Sharma, S.K. Sharma, Anurag Gaur |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 4 |
Pages |
04027-1 - 04027-5 |
Title |
Study of the Resonance Diffraction Phenomena on Gratings by the Rigorous Coupled Wave Method with Modified Equation System |
Authors |
V. Fitio, I. Yaremchuk, A. Bendziak, Y. Bobitski |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 5 |
Pages |
05007-1 - 05007-6 |
Title |
Analysis and Evaluation of Climatic Conditions Effect on Amorphous Silicon PV Module |
Authors |
B. Benabdelkrim, T. Ghaitaoui, A. Benatillah |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 5 |
Pages |
05010-1 - 05010-5 |
Title |
Effects of Confining the Electron in a Double Quantum Well on the Excitonic Properties of the GaSb Quantum Ring |
Authors |
Mohamed Souhail Kehili, Rihab Sellami, Afef Ben Mansour, Adnen Melliti |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 6 |
Pages |
06002-1 - 06002-5 |
Title |
Performance Comparison of Low Cost TiO2 and ZnO Solar Cells Sensitized with Coumarin C343 |
Authors |
N. Houri, A. Djelloul, M. Adnane |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 6 |
Pages |
06004-1 - 06004-6 |
Title |
Theoretical Study of the Electronic Properties of Nickel Clusters |
Authors |
Y. Benkrima |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 6 |
Pages |
06013-1 - 06013-5 |
Title |
Effect of Homogenization on the Superplasticity and Microsuperplasticity of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Aluminum Alloy |
Authors |
V.V. Bryukhovetsky, D.E. Myla, V.P. Poyda, A.V. Poyda |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 6 |
Pages |
06025-1 - 06025-8 |
Title |
Analytical and Numerical Study of the Energy Spectrum of a Superlattice Consisting of Strips of Single-layer and Bilayer Graphene |
Authors |
V.L. Abdrakhmanov, P.V. Badikova, D.V. Zav’yalov, V.I. Konchenkov, S.V. Kryuchkov |
Issue |
Volume 12, Year 2020, Number 6 |
Pages |
06029-1 - 06029-5 |
Title |
Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Thin Film for Modeling the Effect of Its Defects on ZnO/Cu2O Solar Cell EQE |
Authors |
S. Chala, R. Boumaraf, A.F. Bouhdjar, M. Bdirina, M. Labed, T.E. Taouririt, M. Elbar, N. Sengouga, F. Yakuphanoğlu, S. Rahmane, Y. Naoui, Y. Benbouzid |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 1 |
Pages |
01009-1 - 01009-6 |
Title |
Green Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles from Catharanthus Roseus Plant Leaf Extract and Its Investigation |
Authors |
K. Sofiya Dayana, R. Jothimani, S.C. Vella Durai |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 1 |
Pages |
01014-1 - 01014-5 |
Title |
Optical Properties of CuS Nanoparticles Embedded Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Films |
Authors |
L.S. Chongad, Amit Jain, G.S. Mukherjee, M. Banerjee |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 1 |
Pages |
01023-1 - 01023-4 |
Title |
Enhancement in Visible Emission by the Doping of Ce in ZnO Thin Films |
Authors |
Nishant Kumar, Anu Katiyar, R.K. Shukla, Anchal Srivastava |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 2 |
Pages |
02011-1 - 02011-3 |
Title |
Bonding Analysis of [Au (3.16 nm)/Co (1.5 nm)]x35/Si (100) Multilayer Thin Film |
Authors |
R. Bisen, J. Tripathi, D. Kumar, J. Singh, A. Sharma |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 2 |
Pages |
02012-1 - 02012-4 |
Title |
Performance Assessment of a New Gaussian-doped Junctionless ISFET: A Numerical Study |
Authors |
Khadidja Dibi, Zohir Dibi, Ahmed Bouridane |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 2 |
Pages |
02029-1 - 02029-5 |
Title |
ALD Grown Al2O3 as Interfacial Layer in ITO Based SIS Solar Cells |
Authors |
K. Chowdhury, U. Gangopadhyay, R. Mandal |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-4 |
Title |
Structure and Magnetoresistive Properties of Three-layer Films Сo(1 – x)Crx/Cu/Co |
Authors |
O.V. Bezdidko, S.A. Nepijko, Yu.O. Shkurdoda, Yu.M. Shabelnyk |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 3 |
Pages |
03042-1 - 03042-4 |
Title |
Improvement of Electrical Properties of Grätzel Cells by Tuning the Dye Layer with CdS/ZnO Junction |
Authors |
M. Melouki, H.F. Mehnane, A. Djelloul, Y. Larbah, M. Adnane |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 4 |
Pages |
04004-1 - 04004-5 |
Title |
Generator of EEG Delta Rhythms Based on Si Nanowires |
Authors |
K.O. Ostrovska, A.A. Druzhinin, N.S. Liakh-Kaguy, I.P. Ostrovskii |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 4 |
Pages |
04012-1 - 04012-5 |
Title |
The Spectrum of Natural Frequencies of Acoustic Oscillations of a Spherical Quantum Dot with a Multilayer Shell |
Authors |
R. Peleshchak, O. Kuzyk, О. Dan′kiv |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 4 |
Pages |
04031-1 - 04031-5 |
Title |
Electrical Characterization and Interface State Density in Au/n-InN/InP Schottky Diode |
Authors |
A.H. Khediri, A. Talbi, M.A. Benamara, Z. Benamara |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 4 |
Pages |
04002-1 - 04002-5 |
Title |
Photosensitive n-Zn0.5Cd0.5O/p-InSe Heterostructures Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering |
Authors |
Z.R. Kudrynskyi, I.G. Tkachuk, V.I. Ivanov, V.V. Khomyak |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 5 |
Pages |
05002-1 - 05002-4 |
Title |
Preparation and Characterization of Carbon-Silicon Hybrid Nanostructures |
Authors |
V.V. Lisnyak, G.K. Mussabek, N.Zh. Zhylkybayeva, S.Z. Baktygerey, A.N. Zaderko |
Issue |
Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 5 |
Pages |
05035-1 - 05035-5 |
Title |
Study of the Structural and Electronic Properties of MgO in the Wurtzite Phase Using the Density Functional Theory |
Authors |
Y. Benkrima, A. Souigat, A. Achouri, M.E. Soudani, Y. Chaouche, Z. Korichi, D. Slimani |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01003-1 - 01003-5 |
Title |
Structural, Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of Ni-P-TiO2 Composite Coatings: Effect of Current Density |
Authors |
F. Lekmine, M. Naoun, A. Gana, H. Ben Temam |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01009-1 - 01009-5 |
Title |
Refractive Index Sensing and Label-Free Detection Employing Oval Resonator Structured Plasmonic Sensor |
Authors |
A. Harhouz, A. Hocini, H. Tayoub |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01012-1 - 01012-5 |
Title |
Electrochemical Properties of Hybrid Supercapacitors Formed Based on Carbon and ABO3-Type Perovskite Materials |
Authors |
H.M. Kolkovska, I.P. Yaremiy, P.I. Kolkovskyi, S-V.S. Sklepova, B.I. Rachiy, A.G. Belous, M.O. Halushchak |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01020-1 - 01020-6 |
Title |
Ab Initio Study of the Electronic and Optical Properties of ZnO and BeO: First Principles Calculations |
Authors |
Y. Benkrima, Y. Chaouche, A. Souigat, Z. Korichi, M.E. Soudani, D. Slimani, A. Benameur |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01034-1 - 01034-4 |
Title |
Using Orthogonal Legendre Polynomials for Filtering Noisy Signals over a Limited Interval in Coordinate Space |
Authors |
V.M. Fitio, H.A. Petrovska, Y.V. Bobitski |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 1 |
Pages |
01032-1 - 01032-5 |
Title |
Miniaturized EBG Cavity Filter Loaded with Alumina 96 % for V-Band Applications |
Authors |
L. Djouablia, A. Zermane, A. Labbani |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2 |
Pages |
02015-1 - 02015-4 |
Title |
Optical Properties of TiO2 Thin Film: Dip Coating Method |
Authors |
Joginder Singh, Astha Singh, Kuldeep Kumar, Kundan Kumar, R.A. Zargar |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2 |
Pages |
02019-1 - 02019-3 |
Title |
Characterization of Aluminum Gallium Arsenide (AlxGa1 – xAs) Semiconductors Using MATLAB |
Authors |
Abdelkrim Mostefai |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2 |
Pages |
02029-1 - 02029-4 |
Title |
Method of Measurements of Relative Permittivity and Dielectric Loss Tangent of Micropowders in a Wide Frequency Range |
Authors |
A.O. Dumik, A.A. Kalenyuk, V.O. Moskaliuk, A.P. Shapovalov, S.I. Futimsky, O.G. Turutanov, V.Yu. Lyakhno |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2 |
Pages |
02006-1 - 02006-6 |
Title |
Electronic Properties of α-Al2O3 |
Authors |
Abdelkrim Mostefai |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 3 |
Pages |
03025-1 - 03025-4 |
Title |
Charge Density and Density of States (DOS) of Monoclinic ZrO2 Using Meta-GGA DFT Functional |
Authors |
Abdelkrim Mostefai |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 3 |
Pages |
03026-1 - 03026-4 |
Title |
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of δ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles Prepared by Chemical Method with Variation of pH |
Authors |
Vijaykumar S., Veerabhadrayya R. Hiremath, Sushant S.K., Shridhar N. Mathad |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 3 |
Pages |
03027-1 - 03027-4 |
Title |
Performance of Nata de Bamboo and Nata de Chayote Membranes as Zinc-Carbon Battery Separators |
Authors |
F.K. Widyastuti, F.A. Gista, K.A. Madurani, F. Kurniawan |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 3 |
Pages |
03004-1 - 03004-5 |
Title |
Transient 3D Thermomechanical Simulation of the Frictional Contact of the Pin-on-Disc System |
Authors |
A. Abboudi, S. Boulahrouz, K. Mansouri |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 4 |
Pages |
04006-1 - 04006-5 |
Title |
Optical Characterization of Colloidal AgInS2 Quantum Dots Synthesized from Aqueous Solutions |
Authors |
B.V. Lopushanska, Y.M. Azhniuk, I.P. Studenyak, V.V. Lopushansky, A.V. Gomonnai, D.R.T. Zahn |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 4 |
Pages |
04010-1 - 04010-6 |
Title |
Optical Characterization of CdSe1 – xTex Nanocrystals Grown in Borosilicate Glass |
Authors |
Y.M. Azhniuk, A.V. Gomonnai, Yu.I. Hutych, V.V. Lopushansky, D.R.T. Zahn |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 4 |
Pages |
04017-1 - 04017-6 |
Title |
Comparison Between Silicon (Si) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Using MATLAB |
Authors |
Abdelkrim Mostefai |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 4 |
Pages |
04028-1 - 04028-4 |
Title |
Numerical Studies of Thermal Management of Multiple Electronic Devices Using Metal Foam Heat Sinks |
Authors |
N. Sid, S. Boulahrouz, A. Saoudi, O. Chahaoui, K. Mansouri |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 4 |
Pages |
04032-1 - 04032-5 |
Title |
Towards Smart Monitoring Systems: Fault Detection and Diagnosis-Based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Solar PV Power Plants |
Authors |
Mohammed Ali Jallal, Abdessalam El Yassini, Samira Chabaa, Abdelouhab Zeroual |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 5 |
Pages |
05004-1 - 05004-5 |
Title |
Energy Characteristics of Nearly Spherical Metallic Nanoparticles |
Authors |
A.O. Koval |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 5 |
Pages |
05011-1 - 05011-5 |
Title |
Influence of the Surface Diffusion Length on the Roughness of Thin Layers Obtained by Random Deposition |
Authors |
A. Saoudi, L. Aissani, S. Boulahrouz, L. Radjehi, O. Chahaoui, M. Mebarki, H. Djebaili |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 5 |
Pages |
05021-1 - 05021-5 |
Title |
Numerical Modeling of Thin-Film Growth by Random Deposition with Particle Evaporation |
Authors |
A. Saoudi, S. Boulahrouz, S. Fares, M. Chitour, K. Mansouri, L. Aissani, A. Abboudi |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06016-1 - 06016-6 |
Title |
Study of the Optimal Composition of the Bath on Nucleation and Growth of Ni-Fe Alloy Thin Films |
Authors |
F. Lekmine, I. Zidani, A. Chala, A. Gana |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06022-1 - 06022-5 |
Title |
Mechanisms of Current Generation in Graphene/p-CdTe Schottky Diodes |
Authors |
I.P. Koziarskyi, M.I. Ilashchuk, I.G. Orletskyi, L.A. Myroniuk, D.V. Myroniuk, E.V. Maistruk, D.P. Koziarskyi, V.V. Strelchuk |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06001-1 - 06001-5 |
Title |
Design and Conception of Platform that Allows to Connect Different Solar Panels and Loads through a DC-DC Buck Converter |
Authors |
Abdelkader Saidi, Boubekeur Azoui, Chaouki Ghenai, Farid Lekmine |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06004-1 - 06004-6 |
Title |
Calibration of a Microscopic Measurement System by Projection Technique of Coded Periodic Patterns |
Authors |
H. Bouali, Y. Belkacemi, M. Bouaziz, K. Mansouri |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06011-1 - 06011-5 |
Title |
Enhanced 4-Port MIMO Antenna Based on Electromagnetic Mutual Coupling Reduction Using CSRRs Metamaterials for Sub-6 GHz 5G Applications |
Authors |
M. Berka, A. Bendaoudi, K. Benkhallouk, Z. Mahdjoub, A.Y. Rouabhi |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06021-1 - 06021-5 |
Title |
Point-Contact Spectroscopy of Mo/Si Superlattices |
Authors |
V. Tarenkov, A. Shapovalov, V. Lyakhno, V. Shamaev, E. Zhitlukhina |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06025-1 - 06025-4 |
Title |
Deposition Rate and Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Nickel-Based Composite Coatings |
Authors |
F. Lekmine, I. Zidani, A. Chala, H. Ben Temam |
Issue |
Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 6 |
Pages |
06005-1 - 06005-5 |
Title |
High-Performance Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Biosensor to Diagnose Malaria Infected RBCs |
Authors |
H. Tayoub, A. Hocini, A. Harhouz |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01008-1 - 01008-6 |
Title |
Numerical Investigation Including Mobility Model for the Performances of Piezoresistive Sensors |
Authors |
Abdelaziz Beddiaf, Abderrahim Lanani, Fouad Kerrour |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01009-1 - 01009-4 |
Title |
Optical Absorption of a Composite Based on Two-Layer Nanowires |
Authors |
A.O. Koval |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01014-1 - 01014-6 |
Title |
Structural and Electronic Properties of FeNi3 and FeNi2Pt Alloys |
Authors |
Y. Achour, Y. Benkrima, I. Lefkaier, D. Belfennache |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01018-1 - 01018-5 |
Title |
Improving the Electrical Properties of ITO/Si/GaAs/Si/ITO Solar Cell by Changing the GaAs Layer Position |
Authors |
M. Hebali, M. Bennaoum, H.A. Azzeddine, B. Ibari, A. Maachou, D. Chalabi |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01023-1 - 01023-4 |
Title |
A Miniaturized Wearable Textile UWB Monopole Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting |
Authors |
S. Douhi, G.R.K. Prasad, A. Eddiai, O. Cherkaoui, M. Mazroui, Sudipta Das |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01028-1 - 01028-6 |
Title |
Effect of Temperature on the Performance of CGS/CIGS Tandem Solar Cell |
Authors |
Mourad Elbar, Souad Tobbeche, Slimane Chala, Okba Saidani, Mohamed Nadjib Kateb, Mohamed Redha Serdouk |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01020-1 - 01020-6 |
Title |
Magnetic Nanoparticles as Controlling Agents of Chain Structures in a Rotating Magnetic Field |
Authors |
Nishant Nair, Snehal Jani, Ranjeet Brajpuriya |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1 |
Pages |
01016-1 - 01016-6 |
Title |
High Temperature Effects on the Static Performance of 14 nm TG SOI N FinFET |
Authors |
A. Lazzaz, K. Bousbahi, M. Ghamnia |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 2 |
Pages |
02005-1 - 02005-5 |
Title |
New Fractional Wavelet with Compact Support and Its Application to Signal Denoising |
Authors |
Abderrahim Lanani, Abdelaziz Abboudi |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 2 |
Pages |
02023-1 - 02023-5 |
Title |
Model of Corncob Biochar Modified Carbon Paste Electrode for Nitrite Detection |
Authors |
B.N. Sulastri, K.A. Madurani, F. Kurniawan |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3 |
Pages |
03005-1 - 03005-4 |
Title |
Design of a Flexible Rectangular Antenna Array with High Gain for RF Energy Harvesting and Wearable Devices |
Authors |
Said Douhi, Tanvir Islam, R. Agilesh Saravanan, Adil Eddiai, Sudipta Das, Omar Cherkaoui |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3 |
Pages |
03010-1 - 03010-6 |
Title |
Study of Surface Morphology with Electrical and Optical Properties of GO and rGO |
Authors |
Aniruddha Mondal, Dilip K. Maiti, Hari Shankar Biswas |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3 |
Pages |
03019-1 - 03019-4 |
Title |
Interface for Semi-automatic Image Contrast Enhancement in the Propagation-based X-ray Phase Contrast Method |
Authors |
A.V. Polishchuk, M.O. Pavlyuk, A.V. Tarasenko, V.V. Zhurakulov |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 4 |
Pages |
04037-1 - 04037-6 |
Title |
Surface Laser Melting of a Carburized LPBF-manufactured Ti-based Biomedical Grade Alloy |
Authors |
B.V. Efremenko, Yu.G. Chabak, E.V. Tsvetkova, A.V. Dzherenova, V.G. Efremenko, F. Kromka, V.I. Zurnadzhy, I.M. Olejnik |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 4 |
Pages |
04035-1 - 04035-6 |
Title |
Modeling the Destruction of the p-n Junction by Electromagnetic Pulses |
Authors |
D. Sergeyev, K. Shunkeyev, N. Zhanturina, A.L. Solovjov |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 4 |
Pages |
04033-1 - 04033-6 |
Title |
Point-Contact Spectroscopy of Thin Superconducting NbN Films |
Authors |
V. Tarenkov, A. Shapovalov, V. Shamaev, M. Poláčková, E. Zhitlukhina,, M. Belogolovskii, M. Gregor, T. Plecenik |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 5 |
Pages |
05001-1 - 05001-5 |
Title |
Effect of PMMA Temperature on Optical Performances of 1 х 2 Hybrid Photonic Crystals Waveguide Beam Splitters |
Authors |
M.El. Hathat, M. Boulesbaa, S. Gamouh |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 5 |
Pages |
05006-1 - 05006-5 |
Title |
Effect of Broken Glass Particle on Stress Transfer of Nylon Matrix Composite |
Authors |
K. Mansouri, M. Chitour, A. Berkia, B. Rebai, F. Khadraoui, H. Djebaili |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 5 |
Pages |
05007-1 - 05007-4 |
Title |
Radiation Efficiency of the Spherical Metallic Nanoparticles, Covered with Molecular Adsorbate Layer |
Authors |
A.V. Korotun, N.A. Smirnova, G.V. Moroz, G.M. Shilo |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6 |
Pages |
06025-1 - 06025-7 |
Title |
Delayed Antiferromagnetic Spin Hall Oscillator as Random THz Signal Source |
Authors |
D.V. Slobodianiuk |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6 |
Pages |
06026-1 - 06026-4 |
Title |
An Ultra-Low-Power and High Sensibility of the Smart CMOS (Si and 4H-SiC) Temperature Sensor in 130nm Technology |
Authors |
M. Hebali, B. Ibari, M. Bennaoum, M. Berka, M. El-A. Beyour, A. Maachou |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6 |
Pages |
06011-1 - 06011-4 |
Title |
A Novel Analytical Approach to the Solar Cell Junction Physical Parameters Identification |
Authors |
K. Mahi, H. Aït-Kaci |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6 |
Pages |
06016-1 - 06016-5 |
Title |
Influence of Wafer Thickness and Screen-Printing Mesh Counts on the Al-BSF in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells |
Authors |
B. Labdelli, A. Djelloul, L. Benharrat, A. Boucheham, H. Mazari, R. Chalal, A. Manseri |
Issue |
Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6 |
Pages |
06027-1 - 06027-5 |
Title |
Zinc Oxide Poly Crystals Heterojunction and Infrared- Blind UV-Photodetector |
Authors |
Saif Khalel Jasim, Ahmed M. Shano, Suzan K. Adnan |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 1 |
Pages |
01012-1 - 01012-6 |
Title |
Synthesis of High Electrical Conductivity of Superconductor NiS Thin Films |
Authors |
A. Sbaihi,, S. Benramache, C. Benbrika |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 1 |
Pages |
01022-1 - 01022-6 |
Title |
Analysis of Buckling Behavior of Functionally Graded Plates Under Mechanical Loading |
Authors |
B. Adim, T.H. Daouadji |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2 |
Pages |
02003-1 - 02003-4 |
Title |
A New GAA FinFET without n-well or p-well |
Authors |
A. Lazzaz, K. Bousbahi, M. Ghamnia |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2 |
Pages |
02010-1 - 02010-5 |
Title |
Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Panel Using Simulink and Proteus Simulation |
Authors |
M. Fateh, M. Djalal, M. Ammar |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2 |
Pages |
02028-1 - 02028-8 |
Title |
Improvement by Heat Treatment of the Mechanical Properties of a Grooving Cutter |
Authors |
B. Chermime, K. Mansouri, H. Djebaili, H. Hadjela, O.A. Abbassi, O. Hamidane |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2 |
Pages |
02025-1 - 02025-5 |
Title |
Influence of Microsecond Pulse Helium Plasma Flow on the Surface Morphology and Crystal Structure of the Photovoltaic Converters Based on CdS/CdTe |
Authors |
G.S. Khrypunov, M.M. Harchenko, A.V. Meriuts, J.F. Carlin, V.A. Makhlai, S.S. Herashchenko, S.L. Abashin, S.V. Surovitskiy, A.O. Pudov, A.I. Dobrozhan |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 3 |
Pages |
03001-1 - 03001-8 |
Title |
A Miniaturized Metamaterial Resonator-based Microwave Biosensor with High Quality Factor for Solid Materials Characterization |
Authors |
A. Serhane, M. Berka, T. Islam, S. Das , M. L. Kumar , Z. Mahdjoub |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 3 |
Pages |
03005-1 - 03005-5 |
Title |
Assessment of Optimization Parameters for Video Transmission over Optical Fiber using an H265/HEVC Encoder in Video Streaming Applications |
Authors |
Nadira Boukhatem, Kamel Messaoudi, Abdelghani Redjati, Abderraouf Fares, Fatima Brik |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 3 |
Pages |
03027-1 - 03027-7 |
Title |
Novel Synthesis and Structural Study of Cadmium Doped Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles through X-ray Diffraction Analysis |
Authors |
Priyanka P. Kashid, Shridhar N. Mathad, , Rakesh M. Shedam, Mahadev Shedam |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 5 |
Pages |
05020-1 - 05020-6 |
Title |
Effect of Particle Shape and Size on Behavior of Composite Material Using Finite Element Method |
Authors |
F. Khadraoui, K. Mansouri, N. Sid, B. Hannachi, M. Chitour, A. Berkia, B. Rebai, N. Himeur |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 5 |
Pages |
05029-1 - 05029-5 |
Title |
Design of Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Microstrip Filter Based on C-Shaped Metamaterial Resonators for RF/Microwave Applications |
Authors |
M. Berka , T. Islam, S. Das, A. Serhane, M.L. Kumar, Z. Mahdjoub |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 4 |
Pages |
04012-1 - 04012-5 |
Title |
Study on Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity of Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Film |
Authors |
Amit Kumar Kundu, Aniruddha Mondal, Hari Shankar Biswas, Dilip K. Maiti, Sandeep Poddar |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 6 |
Pages |
06019-1 - 06019-5 |
Title |
The Purcell Factor of a Dipole Molecule Located Near a Spherical Metal Nanoparticle |
Authors |
H.V. Moroz, V.P. Kurbatsky, A.V. Korotun, N.M. Nagorna |
Issue |
Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 6 |
Pages |
06032-1 - 06032-6 |