A Comparative Study on the Optoelectronic Performance of Undoped, Mg-doped and F/Mg Co-doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin Films

Authors Warda Darenfad1, Noubeil Guermat1,2, Kamel Mirouh1

1Thin Films and Interfaces Laboratory (LCMI), University of Brothers Mentouri of Constantine 1, 25000 Constantine, Algeria

2Department of Electronics, Faculty of Technology, University Mohamed Boudiaf of M’sila, 28000 M’sila, Algeria

Е-mail daranfed.warda@umc.edu.dz
Issue Volume 13, Year 2021, Number 6
Dates Received 03 October 2021; revised manuscript received 02 December 2021; published online 20 December 2021
Citation Warda Darenfad, Noubeil Guermat, Kamel Mirouh, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13 No 6, 06016 (2021)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.13(6).06016
PACS Number(s) 82.70.Uv, 82.30.Lp
Keywords Thin films (60) , F/Mg co-doped ZnO, Spray pyrolysis (9) , Contact angle (2) , Hydrophobic (4) , Hydrophilic.

This work reports on the development and characterization of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanocrystalline thin films deposited on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis method. The effect of 1 % Mg-doping and 6 % F/x % Mg co-doping (x = 1, 2 and 3) on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the films obtained is studied. The structural characterization shows that all the deposited layers are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite-type structure due to the existence of a more intense peak relative to the (002) peak, located around an angle of 34.13° with no other phase detected. The measured contact angles are more than 90° for pure, doped and 6 % F/1 % Mg co-doped films prepared, which confirms the hydrophobic character, while other co-doped films (6 % F:2 % Mg and 6 % F:3 % Mg) show the hydrophilic character at values of the contact angle < 90°. A higher transmittance value of 86.47 %, a wide band gap of 3.53 eV and lower disorder (330.03 meV) are observed for the 6 % F:1 % Mg co-doped film. Co-doping with 1 % Mg considerably improves the electrical conductivity (σ = 0.030 (Ω.cm) – 1). The results suggest that the co-doped ZnO film (6 % F, 1 % Mg) can be used as a window film in thin film solar cells.

List of References