Influence of Wafer Thickness and Screen-Printing Mesh Counts on the Al-BSF in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Authors B. Labdelli1,2, A. Djelloul1 , L. Benharrat1 , A. Boucheham1 , H. Mazari2, R. Chalal1, A. Manseri1

1Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-Conducteurs pour l’Energétique ‘CRTSE’, 02 Bd Frantz Fanon, BP 140, 7 Merveilles, Alger, Algérie

2Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Sidi Bel Abbes University, B.P. 89, 22000 Algeria

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6
Dates Received 15 September 2023; revised manuscript received 14 December 2023; published online 27 December 2023
Citation B.Labdelli, A. Djelloul, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 6, 06027 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 61.72.Cc, 81.15._z, 61.72.uf, 84.60.Jt
Keywords Rapid Thermal Processing, Screen-printing, Al-BSF, Silicon (58) , Solar Cell (51) .

In this study, experiments on the alloying process from screen-printed aluminum (Al) pastes on silicon surfaces for solar cell applications were conducted. We investigated the effect of wafer thickness and screen-printing mesh counts on the Al back surface field (Al-BSF) properties of Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si) solar cells Screens with different mesh counts (150, 200 and 400 mesh) were used to print variable amounts of Al paste (7, 9.4 and 12mg/cm2). Rapid thermal annealing (RTP) annealing processes of 750°C and 800°C for 60s were applied to form AL-BSF. SEM micrographs showed the formation of a rough surface with 4.31m alloying layer over bulk Si wafer. ECV and SIMS analysis showed that an annealing peak temperature of 750°C and an amount of Al paste of 12mg/cm2 are suitable for the creation of an optimal Al-BSF. This work revealed that Al-BSF properties are strongly affected by the mesh counts used in screen-printing of Al paste. However, no monotonic relationship was noticed with the wafer thickness. The mask with 150 meshes allowed to obtain high Al concentrations at the surface, maximum diffusion depth and longer average lifetimes of charge carriers.

List of References