Submission and publishing
An open letter from scientists of Ukraine and diaspora. Follow the link to learn more.
Editorial Team of the Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics appreciates the authors and their time. Therefore the manuscript submission is utterly simple, and the number of accompanying documents is minimum. To publish Your article in our Journal you need to satisfy the following requirement.
- Prepare the manuscript in accordance with the general framework of the scientific articles and with the research profile of our Journal. To this end the special article's template is obligatory to use. This template you can download from the Journal's website here.
- Use the e-submission and upload the manuscript file via the easy-to-use web-interface. To have access you should be registered (or authorized) on this website. Here you can also check the current information about the review process of your work. Please do not use the previously offered submission service. It is not working for technical reasons. The actual information is not displayed in all user accounts that were created earlier.
- Submit the photocopy of the Assignment of copyright form signed by the authors together with the manuscript file. Other documentation as well as the hard copies of the manuscript is not required.
- Fill out and submit the Declaration of Competing Interests.
- Complete the double-blind review procedure and receive the positive referees' reports as well as the technical expert report.
- Receive the Proof Copy from Editorial Team, check it and inform the Editorial Team about your corrections.