Sonochemical Synthesis of AgInS2 Quantum Dots and Characterisation

Authors B.B. Panda1,2, R.K. Rana1, B. Sharma1

1 Nanomaterials Laboratory, I & PC division, CSIR – Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad-500007, India

2 Department of Chemistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Dhenkanal, Odisha-759146, India

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2
Dates Received 15 December 2016; published online 28 April 2017
Citation B.B. Panda, R.K. Rana, B. Sharma, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 2, 02002 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(2).02002
PACS Number(s) 81.07.Ta,, 73.50.Rb
Keywords Silver Indium Sulphide quantum dots, Sonochemical method, Characterisation (2) , Band gap (29) , Dislocation density (4) .
Annotation AgInS2 (Silver Indium Sulphide) quantum dots of size ∼ 1.4 nm have been prepared by sonochemical method using precursor complex. Dodecylamine has been used as capping agent. The Precursor complex, containing Silver, Indium metal ions and sulphur used for the synthesis of the quantum dots has been prepared by simple precipitation and filtration. Then the complexes have been irradiated under high intensity ultrasound to get small size AgInS2 quantum dots within short reaction duration of ∼ 5 minutes. The prepared quantum dots then have been characterised by XRD, UV-VIS spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and DLS analysis. The results show that AgInS2 can be prepared by sonochemical method in small time period. From the UV-VIS absorbance spectroscopy the band gap of the prepared material calculated is found to be around 2.15 eV. Some physical parameters of the prepared material have also been calculated from XRD and UV-VIS spectroscopy using some empirical relations.

List of References