A.C. Conductivity of Ag Incorporated Se-Te-Bi Glassy Alloy

Authors Anup Kumar1,2, Pawan Heera1, Raman Sharma1

1 Department of Physics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5, India

2 Physics Department, P. G. Govt. Degree College, Kullu, H. P., India

Е-mail kumar.anup.sml@gmail.com, sramanb70@mailcity.com
Issue Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 2
Dates Received 15 February 2013; published online 04 May 2013
Citation Anup Kumar, Pawan Heera, Raman Sharma, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 5 No 2, 02020 (2013)
PACS Number(s) 61.43Dq, 81.05Gc, 81.05Kf
Keywords A (1229) , C (1218) , conductivity (43) , Chalcogenide glasses (3) , Activation energy (7) , Frequency exponent.
Annotation Effect of Ag addition on the a.c. conductivity as a function of frequency in Se80.5Bi1.5Te18 – yAgy (y  1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 at. %) glassy alloy has been investigated in the temperature range 300-355 K. The electrical conductivity is measured as a function of frequency () of an alternating electric field in the frequency range 1 -500 kHz, using Wayne Kerr 6500 B Impedance Analyzer. A.C. conductivity (ω) is found to increases with an increase in frequency for the entire range of temperature in all compositions. The frequency exponent s is found to decrease with an increase in temperature which indicates that the correlated barrier hopping is the possible conduction mechanism in the investigated samples.

List of References