Study of Surface Morphology with Electrical and Optical Properties of GO and rGO

Authors Aniruddha Mondal1,2, Dilip K. Maiti3, Hari Shankar Biswas1

1Department of Chemistry, Surendranath College, 24/2, Mahatma Gandhi Road, 700009 Kolkata, India

2Harindanga High School, Harindanga, Falta 743504 West Bengal, India

3Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta, University College of Science, 92, A. P. C. Road, 700009 Kolkata, India

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 3
Dates Received 12 May 2023; revised manuscript received 21 June 2023; published online 30 June 2023
Citation Aniruddha Mondal, Dilip K. Maiti, Hari Shankar Biswas, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 3, 03019 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 68.55. – a, 81.05.ue
Keywords GO (31) , rGO (3) , XRD (95) , AFM (18) , SEM (117) , Surface morphology (2) , I-V characteristcs.характерною  Ключові слова: GO і rGO, Морфологія поверхні (11) , ВАХ (6) .

Graphene oxide (GO) thin film possesses a 2D sheet structure and was synthesized indigenously via the enhanced solvothermal Hummer method. Conventionally, the redox approach can be a characteristic technique to fabricate GO films on an expanded scale. AFM characterization shows GO film had a 2D lamellar layer structure and a thickness between 3 to 5 nm. Heat treatment reduces the GO film to reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The crystallinity of GO thin film was recognized by XRD study. The typical characteristic 2θ peak appeared at 9.85 corresponding to (001) of the GO sheet for carbon with a d-spacing of 0.9 nm. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) were employed to characterize the morphological and optical properties of the GO and rGO thin films. The electrical properties of the thin films were studied with current-voltage (I-V) properties. It is seen that the rGO thin film shows higher conductivity than GO and the value 5.1 x 10 – 4 S/cm, and also changes the morphology and optical properties. The morphological and optical properties change indicates that GO loses oxygen groups to form rGO. The reason behind the change of conductivity is the reduction of GO at 280 C temperature and decreased oxygen functional groups as compared to GO confirmed by FTIR.

List of References