Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics - a peer-reviewed open access scientific publication that publishes previously unpublished and not submitted for consideration to any other publishing houses articles containing original results of experimental or theoretical research.
ISSN: 2077-6772 (Print), 2306-4277 (Online)
UDC: 620.22-022.532+53:621.3(051)
Year of foundation - 1994
Identifier in the Register of Media Entities: R30-02715 (Decision No. 184 of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, Protocol No. 3 dated January 25, 2024.
Founder and publisher - Sumy State University
The language of the publication is English.

The objectives of the publication are to promote scientific research in the field of physics; to provide a free platform for scientists to publish the results of their own scientific activities; to provide readers with unlimited access to the latest scientific results of scientists from different countries of the world.

Journal subject area:

  • physical properties of functional film and nanomaterials;
  • physical processes in thin films and nanomaterials;
  • condensed matter physics;
  • nanomaterial science;
  • dynamic systems and non-equilibrium processes;
  • impact of electromagnetic and optical radiation radiation on physical and biological objects;
  • physical processes in information systems;
  • applied aspects of nano- and electronic physics.

The editorial board of the journal strives for the widest possible popularization of the work of its authors and ensuring constant unlimited access to articles for readers. Therefore, metadata or full-text published articles for long-term storage and archiving are transferred to electronic libraries, repositories and open access catalogs (SumSU repository, V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine of the NAS of Ukraine, etc.), the range of which is constantly expanding. The journal is open for cooperation with all external resources.

The target audience is researchers in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, graduate students, doctoral students, employees of professional scientific institutions, teaching staff, and students of higher and secondary education institutions.

 Benefits for authors:

  • journal includes to the Scientific and Specialized Publications of Ukraine List in the field of physical and mathematical sciences (category "A", since 07.11.2019);
  • open access journal;
  • journal periodicity of issues - 6 times a year;
  • electronic submission of papers via easy-to-use web-interface;
  • compliance the journal printed and electronic versions with international standards;
  • DOI assignment to the journal content (since the 2016 year);
  • good service and attention to all authors;
  • electronic mailing of proof-copies;
  • automated papers review process

Journal is indexed by:

Journal Metrics:

Editorial board now is working on:


Since the Editorial Team of the Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics support the open acsess initiative, the dissemination of the published results is one of main aims. To this end, the metadata of all articles is transferred to electronic libraries catalogues (, etc.). The number of such resources is permanently grown. Journal is opened for collaboration with any other resources.
The Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics papers are published open access under a CC BY licence (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence).

Reviewing of the Journal

Articles submitted for editorial consideration undergo a mandatory check for signs of academic plagiarism using the StrikePlagiarism program and double-blind review procedure.

The Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics is published in accordance with the principles of academic integrity, equal opportunities, and respect for diversity, including impartiality with respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political views. The decisions of the editorial board are based solely on a professional assessment of the quality of the materials submitted for consideration.

Publication of manuscripts is free 



Editorial Office Address: 116 Kharkivska Str., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine, Sumy State University, Editorial Office of the "Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics"
Editor-in-chief: Larysa V. Odnodvorets
Telephone: + 380 542 33 56 12
Email: Send an email
Managing Editor: Yurii M. Shabelnyk 
Email: Send an email
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