Thickness Calculation of Thin Transparent Conductive Membrane on the Border with a Magnetic Fluid

Authors V.V. Chekanov , N.V. Kandaurova , V.S. Chekanov

North Caucasus Federal University 2, Kulakova prosp., 355029 Stavropol, Russia

Issue Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4
Dates Received 08 October 2016; published online 29 November 2016
Citation V.V. Chekanov, N.V. Kandaurova, V.S. Chekanov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 8 No 4(1), 04045 (2016)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.8(4(1)).04045
PACS Number(s) 75.50.Mm, 79.60.Jv
Keywords Thin membrane (2) , Interference (3) , Electric field (6) , Magnetic fluid (21) .
Annotation The determination method of the membrane thickness of ITO (InSnO2). The magnetite nanoparticles in the electric field migrate, forming the thin layer near conductive ITO membrane with varying thickness. Lighting this structure by monochromatic plane polarized light the interference of light in the thin membrane was observed. The experimental values of the intensity of the reflected light from the surface of «ITO – layer of magnetite particles" for samples with different thickness of the conductive coating.

List of References