Morphological and Electrochemical Properties of the Lactose-derived Carbon Electrode Materials

Authors I.F. Myronyuk1 , V.I. Mandzyuk1 , V.M. Sachko1 , R.P. Lisovsky2 , B.I. Rachiy1

1 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 57, Shevchenko st., 76018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

2 G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NASU, 36, Academician Vernadsky blvd., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 4
Dates Received 28 May 2016; published online 29 November 2016
Citation I.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, V.M. Sachko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 8 No 4(1), 04006 (2016)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.8(4(1)).04006
PACS Number(s) 61.43.Gt, 81.05.Uw, 82.47.Uv
Keywords Porous carbon material, Thermochemical activation, Specific surface, Specific conductivity, Electrochemical capacitor.

The article explores the morphological and electrochemical properties of carbon electrode materials derived from D-lactose by mixing of carbon precursor with activating reagent selected from a number КОН, K2CO3, ZnCl2, SnCl2∙2H2O, and calcining the composite mixture at 800 °С. After dissolution and removal of K2O, ZnO or SnO from volume of prototypes specific surface of carbon materials increases in 1,7-4,2 times, and electrical conductivity - in 1,4-2,8 times. The activating reagents for effective influence on the properties of carbon structures can be placed in the following order: ZnCl2  КОН  K2CO3  SnCl2∙2H2O. It is set that the highest specific capacity as an electrode material for supercapacitor has a sample with the highest electrical conductivity (78 Оhm – 1∙m – 1) obtained using KOH activating reagent. The electrode material capacity was 176-157 F∙g – 1 at discharge currents of 10-100 mA. It was found that the difference in the values of capacitance of prototypes caused by different chemical state of their surface.

List of References