Photoconductivity of the Polymer Layer with Resazurin Sodium at Two-photon Excitation

Authors T.M. Sakun

National Aviation University, 1, Komarova Pr., Kyiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 4
Dates Received 08 July 2013; published online 31 January 2014
Citation T.M. Sakun, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 5 No 4, 04052 (2013)
PACS Number(s) 31.25.Qm, 31.50.w, 36.20.Kd
Keywords Resazurin sodium, Two-quantum excitation, Photodissociation, Photoconductive hole matrix, Polyvinylpyrrolidone.
Annotation Experimental and theoretical studies of the photoconductivity of the polymer layer (PVP) with resazurin solution at two-photon excitation revealed that the two-quantum excitation in T(*)- state which corresponds to the quantum transition from a deep -MO on the free *-MO is the cause of the two processes: the electron transfer from the matrix to the dye molecule and dissociation of the dye molecules with the release of oxygen anion. Two-quantum excitation of the molecules in the triplet state which is lower than said T(*)- state prevents dissociation of the molecule, however, significantly increases the acceptor dye properties, enabling electron transfer from the matrix to the photoconductive dye and a hole matrix. The resulting radical anion dye eventually gives extra electron matrix, where it can recombine with a hole or captured by the trap.

List of References