The Current-voltage Characteristics Simulation of the Betavoltaic Power Supply

Authors S.U. Urchuk, A.A. Krasnov , S.A. Legotin , S.I. Didenko , V.N. Murashev , U.C. Omel’chenko, U.V. Osipov, O.I. Rabinovich , A.V. Popkova

NUST “MISiS”, 4, Leninskiy Prosp., 119049 Moscow, Russia

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4
Dates Received 27 September 2015; published online 10 December 2015
Citation S.U. Urchuk, A.A. Krasnov, S.A. Legotin, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 4, 04005 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 00.05.Tp, 85.60.Jb
Keywords Betavoltaic effect (2) , Beta power source, Betavoltaic battery (4) , p-i-n diode (3) , I-V characteristic simulation.
Annotation In order to optimize betavoltaic power supply it was calculated the current-voltage characteristics when changing the depth of the upper p-layer and at changing doping levels structure areas. It is shown that an increase in the depth reduces the short-circuit current and thus reduces the open circuit voltage. It has been observed that the concentration of the lightly doped region more significantly influence on the current-voltage characteristics than the depth of the p-n-junction. The concentration of the n-region, equal to 1014 cm – 3, can be considered as during betavoltaic power supply design. It is shown that, by increasing the power supply activity the conversion efficiency of the structure increases, too.

List of References