The Results of Research of Magnetic Fluid Nanoparticles by Microscopy and X-ray Methods

Authors A.M. Storozhenko , I.A. Shabanova , A.O. Tantsyura

Southwest State University, 94, 50 let Octyabrya St., 305040 Kursk, Russia

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 4
Dates Received 30 September 2015; published online 24 December 2015
Citation A.M. Storozhenko, I.A. Shabanova, A.O. Tantsyura, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 4, 04056 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 75.75.Fk, 61.05.cp
Keywords Magnetic nanoparticles (4) , Magnetic fluid (21) , Scanning probe microscopy (4) , Scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction method, Particle size distribution curve.
Annotation This is a researching of dispersed, elemental and phase composition of magnetic fluids. Samples of magnetic fluids based on kerosene and vacuum oil are the objects of study. As the researching methods, we used scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy as well as X-ray diffraction. There is a comparative analysis of data from these methods.

List of References