Capacitive Sensors for the Long-wave Acoustic Radiation by Directed Waves

Authors L.V. Zaitseva

Zhukovsky National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" (NAU "KhAI"), 17, Chkalova St., 61000 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 8, Year 2016, Number 2
Dates Received 15 March 2016; revised manuscript received 09 June 2016; published online 21 June 2016
Citation L.V. Zaitseva, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 8 No 2, 02048 (2016)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.8(2).02048
PACS Number(s) 43.35.Zc, 43.35.Yb
Keywords Transducer (3) , Acoustic control, The long-wave radiation wave.
Annotation Consider from the common position present-day state, prospects and the possibility of non-destructive testing capacitive method using. Developed mathematical model of the process of acoustic wave’s excitation (longitudinal and surface) with a capacitor allow carrying out the output signal calculation for the subsequent choice of methods and devices for receiving the acoustic oscillations data. A device layout has been developed for realization of capacitive method. The possibility of excitation and reception of acoustic vibrations by capacitive transducers it has been established.

List of References

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