Автори | N.A. Leonenko1, E.A. Vanina1,3, E.M. Veselovа1,2, A.P. Kuzmenko4 |
Афіліація | 1 Mining Institute FEB RAS, Khabarovsk, Russia 2 Amur State University, Blagoveschensk, Russia 3 Amur State Medical Academy, AmurSMA, Blagoveschensk, Russia 4 South-West State University, 94, 50 let Octyabrya St., 305040 Kursk, Russia |
Е-mail | leonenko@igd.khv.ru, evanina@yandex.ru, veselovablg@gmail.com |
Випуск | Том 7, Рік 2015, Номер 4 |
Дати | Одержано 30.09.2015, опубліковано online - 24.12.2015 |
Цитування | N.A. Leonenko, E.A. Vanina, E.M. Veselovа, A.P. Kuzmenko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 4, 04055 (2015) |
DOI | |
PACS Number(s) | 68.37.Hk, 68.37.Ps |
Ключові слова | Laser sintering, Ultrafine, Colloidal-ionic, Gold (8) , Gold-bearing mineral products, The structural ordering, SEM (117) , AFM (18) . |
Анотація | The effect of continuous laser radiation on complex ore minerals objects containing gold, not extracted by monerd methods was investigated. It was established the formation of different structural surfaces of gold, revealed general patterns of sintering and concentration of sub-micron gold. |
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