Dislocation Hysteresis in Mixed State of Superconductor II Тype

Authors V.Y. Biloshapka1, K.S. Semenova1, V.Y. Platkov2, D.O. Pimenov1

1Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 4, Schmidt Str., 71100 Berdyansk, Ukraine

2Kharkiv National University of Economics, 9A, Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine

Е-mail belvj@ukr.net
Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 4
Dates Received 04 April 2018; published online 25 August 2018
Citation V.Y. Biloshapka, K.S. Semenova, V.Y. Platkov, D.O. Pimenov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 No 4, 04018 (2018)
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21272/jnep.10(4).04018
PACS Number(s) 74.25.Ld
Keywords Dislocation dynamics, Internal Friction, Dislocation hysteresis, Superconductors of the second kind.

Numerical methods have obtained the amplitude dependences on internal friction and the defect of the modulus of elasticity in a medium with variable viscosity characteristic of the mixed state of the second type of superconductor, with different values of the proportion of the normal phase and different orientation options of regions with a normal phase relative to the location of the line. In the amplitude-dependent region the nonlinear character of the changes in the dependences of internal pressure and the defect of the elastic modulus on the proportion of the normal phase is established.

List of References

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