Peculiarities of Electroconductivity and Magnetoresistance in Silicon Whiskers with Doping Concentration in the Vicinity to Metal-insulator Transition at Low Temperatures

Authors Ya. Budzhak, N. Liakh-Kaguy, I. Ostrovskii, A. Druzhinin

Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera Str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 4
Dates Received 25 March 2018; revised manuscript received 12 August 2018; published online 25 August 2018
Citation Ya. Budzhak, N. Liakh-Kaguy, I. Ostrovskii, A. Druzhinin, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 No 4, 04015 (2018)
PACS Number(s) 77.55.df, 75.47.De
Keywords Silicon (58) , Whiskers (3) , Magnetoresistance (6) , Kinetic properties, Sispersion law.

The electroconductivity and magnetoresistance of the silicon whiskers doped by boron to a concentration corresponding to the proximity to the metal-insulator transition (MIT) were studied in the range of magnetic fields (0 ÷ 14) T at temperatures from 4.2 to 77 K. The kinetic tensors of generalized thermodynamic equations of electrical conductivity were substantiated using a large Gibbs thermodynamic potential. The influence of spatial quantization in the 2D and 1D crystals on their fundamental kinetic properties was shown. The whisker was established to be a natural radial "heterostructure" with different content of dopants in a core and a shell. On the basis of the comparison of the theoretically calculated and experimentally measured magnetic field dependences of the resistance, it was found that the doping content in the shell corresponds to the metal side of the MIT and consist of Na ~ 5×1019 сm – 3, while in the whisker core corresponds to the insulator side of the transition with Na = 5.4×1017 сm – 3.

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