The Comparison of Magnetite Nanospheres Formation in Polysaccharide Covers by Various Ways of Syntheses

Authors A.S. Stanislavov, A.A. Yanovska , V.N. Kuznetsov , L.B. Sukhodub , L.F. Sukhodub

Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky Korsakov Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 2
Dates Received 10 December 2014; published online 10 June 2015
Citation A.S. Stanislavov, A.A. Yanovska, V.N. Kuznetsov, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 2, 02009 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 61.72. – y, 75.50.Tt
Keywords Magnetic nanoparticles (4) , Magnetic nanocomposites, Alginate, Chitosan, X-Ray Diffraction (19) , Transmission electron microscopy (2) , Electron Diffraction, Particle size.
Annotation In this work the ways of magnetite nanoparticles formation in polymer covers were proposed. Polysaccharides solutions (alginate, chitosan) were used as biopolymers. Three ways of magnetite nanoparticles formation in polymer coats were proposed: 1) synthesis, where magnetite particles were coated with polymer cover by using the gel-forming components applicable for appropriate polymers; 2) mixing of magnetite particles with solution of appropriate polymer (sodium alginate, chitosan); 3) spray-method, where the mixture of magnetic nanocomposite was sprayed by compressed air, while in two other ways an ultrasonic dispersion was used. The following techniques were used for the analysis: transmission electron microscopy, electron and X-ray diffractions. The study of the structural features show that spray method and synthesis have the advantages over simple mixing, because the obtained particle size 4-22 nm was less than 50-100 nm. It was shown that the use of alginate as polymer compound increases the crystallinity of magnetic nanocomposite, while the use of chitosan leads to magnetite lattice contraction and increase in its structure imperfection.

List of References