Surface Potential and Threshold Voltage Model of Fully Depleted Narrow Channel SOI MOSFET Using Analytical Solution of 3D Poisson’s Equation

Authors Prashant Mani, Manoj Kumar Pandey

SRM University, NCR Campus, 201204 India

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 2
Dates Received 16 January 2015; published online 10 June 2015
Citation Prashant Mani, Manoj Kumar Pandey, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 2, 02002 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 64.70.Q –, 85.30. – р
Keywords SOI (16) , Channel length, Threshold voltage (15) , 3D modeling.
Annotation The present paper is about the modeling of surface potential and threshold voltage of Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator MOSFET. The surface potential is calculated by solving the 3D Poisson’s equation analytically. The appropriate boundary conditions are used in calculations. The effect of narrow channel width and short channel length for suppression of SCE is analyzed. The narrow channel width effect in the threshold voltage is analyzed for thin film Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET.

List of References