Quenching Effect on Mechanical Properties of In2Se2.7Sb0.3 Single Crystal

Authors Piyush J. Patel1, Sandip M.  Vyas2, Vimal A. Patel2, Himanshu Pavagadhi2 , Ravi Varasada2, Maunik P. Jani3

1Department of Physics, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology, Silver Oak University, Ahmedabad, 382481 Gujarat, India

2Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, 380009 Gujarat, India

3Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, 390002 Gujarat, India

Е-mail physicsathgce@gmail.com
Issue Volume 14, Year 2022, Number 2
Dates Received 11 January 2022; revised manuscript received 18 April 2022; published online 29 April 2022
Citation Piyush J. Patel, Sandip M.  Vyas, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 14 No 2, 02001 (2022)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.14(2).02001
PACS Number(s) 81.10. – h, 81.40.Cd, 81.40.Ef
Keywords Bridgman method, Vickers hardness, As-cleavage, Quenching.

III-VI semiconductor compounds are interesting materials for the fabrication of such devices as ionizing radiation detectors, solid-state electrodes, ion batteries, as well as photosensitive heterostructures and solar cells. The structural complexity of In-Se family has motivated us to examine an unexplored composition (In2Se3) and its properties with antimony doping (Sb). The purpose of the present work is to study the influence of antimony on the novel configuration In2Se3. Ternary semiconductor compounds in the form of single crystals or thin films have attracted considerable interest because of their structural, optical and electrical properties, which allow them to be widely used in many electronic and optoelectronic devices. As the global energy market seeks applications that offer more efficient electronic systems, In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystals synthesized by the modified vertical Bridgeman technique pave the way for exciting innovations in solid-state photovoltaic systems and clean energy sectors. We have grown In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystal using the Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The temperature gradient of the system was kept at 60 C/cm with a growth rate of 0.35 cm/h. Hardness testing is of significant importance in interpreting the mechanical behavior of materials and correlates with other physical properties. Hardness to deformation of as-grown crystals depends on the bond strength and structural perfection. The microhardness measurements of as-cleaved and quenched samples were made by using a Vickers projection microscope. In this paper, the results have been discussed and reported in detail.

List of References