Operating Temperature Effect on the Thin Film Solar Cell Efficiency

Authors R.V. Zaitsev1 , M.V. Kirichenko1 , G.S. Khrypunov1 , S.A. Radoguz1, M.G. Khrypunov1, D.S. Prokopenko1, L.V. Zaitseva2

1National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute», 2, Kyrpychov St., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2Zhukovsky National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute», 17, Chkalov St., 61000 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 4
Dates Received 20 December 2018; revised manuscript received 07 August 2019; published online 22 August 2019
Citation R.V. Zaitsev, M.V. Kirichenko, G.S. Khrypunov, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 4, 04029 (2019)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(4).04029
PACS Number(s) 68.55.Jk, 68.47.Fg
Keywords Photovoltaic converters, Solar cells (17) , Thin films (60) , Efficiency (24) , Output and diode parameters, Working temperature.

The made research results of the dependence of the film photovoltaic converter efficiency on their operating temperature and their comparison are considered in the paper. The physical mechanisms of temperature influence analysis on output, diode and electronic parameters of photovoltaic converters were conducted. The output parameters determination of the flexible photovoltaic converters was carried out by measurement of light current-voltage characteristics by using illuminator based on powerful semiconductor LEDs with different colors for simulated radiation which is close to the standard ground and ultraviolet solar spectrum. For ensuring effective non-destructive switching of the test specimens of the flexible PVC based on cadmium telluride to the measurement circle, the special contact device was developed and used. The main feature of contact device is four separate vertically moving metal probes in form of semi spheres with polished surfaces, which makes it impossible to puncture the PVC electrodes. These probes have possibility of individual positioning of each probe that is carried out with the help of a hard rotary console of variable length attached to the body and can be pressed with a given effort without impact on the frontal and any rear electrodes of the PVC experiments. The efficiency temperature coefficients of the photovoltaic converter, which make up for devices with a CdTe of 0.14 %/C, CuInSe2 – 0.36 %/C, amorphous silicon  0.21 %/C were obtained. The analytical processing and analysis of the light diode characteristic effect on the PVC efficiency based on the CdTe showed that the temperature stability of their efficiency is ensured by the diode current density, the incision of which increases by 50 % from 1.9·10 – 9 A to 2.7·10 – 9 A with the temperature rise from 20 °С to 50 °С. At the same time, it has been established for PVC on the CuInSe and amorphous silicon base that the decrease of short circuit current density, open circuit voltage and fill factor of current-voltage characteristics plays the main role in efficiency reduction with rising temperature.

List of References