The Effects of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) as Anti-reflection Agent for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells System

Authors H.Munawaroh1, S. Wahyuningsih2, A.H. Ramelan2

1Master Program of Chemistry, Graduate School of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Kentingan Jebres,Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

2Inorganic Material Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Kentingan Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 4
Dates Received 27 March 2019; revised manuscript received 05 August 2019; published online 22 August 2019
Citation H.Munawaroh, S. Wahyuningsih, A.H. Ramelan, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 4, 04028 (2019)
PACS Number(s) 61.72.uj, 61.46.Hk, 78.67.Bf, 42.79.Wc, 84.60.Jt
Keywords Al-doped ZnO, Structure properties, Optical properties (22) , Anti-reflection, DSSCs (3) .

Al-doped ZnO (AZO) nanoparticles have been synthesized as anti-reflection agent for dye sensitized solar cells system. Al-doped ZnO was prepared by sol-gel method at 60°C for 3hours with variation of Al (0, 2, 3 and 4%). XRD pattern of AZO shows that the addition of Al affected the structural properties, such as decrease in the crystallinity and crystallite size from 10 nm to 28 nm. The optical properties of AZO were characterized by UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Al-doped ZnO exhibited the red shift phenomenon at wavelength 320-375 nm. AZO of 3 % and 4 % show 2 peaks considered as the impurities of Mg-doped ZnO. The transmittance spectra of AZO show the increase of transmittance in the visible light region of 50-95 %. The reflectance spectra show the reflectance value increasing in the UV area and decreasing in the visible area (< 50 %). Band gap energy of AZO was calculated with Tauc Plot Method. The addition of Al can decrease the band gap energy of AZO from 3.45 eV to 3.23 eV. Al-doped ZnO is used as anti-reflection agent for Dye Sensitized Solar CellsDSSCs. Performance of DSSCs system with AZO has higher efficiency than that without anti-reflection coating. The efficiency of the solar cell system without AZO anti-reflection layer is 0.18 %, while the efficiencies with 2, 3 and 4 % AZO anti-reflection layer were 0.28, 0.68 and 0.85 %, respectively. The maximum performance of DSSCs system with AZO 4 % (0.85 %) as anti-reflection agent was shown by the improved efficiency up to 372 times compared to that without anti-reflection agent.

List of References