Magnetic Properties of Silicon Doped with Impurity Atoms of Europium

Authors N.F. Zikrillaev1, G.H. Mavlonov1, L. Trabzon2, S.B. Isamov1 , Y.A. Abduganiev1, Sh.N. Ibodullaev1 G.A. Kushiev1

1Tashkent State Technical University, 100095 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Gumussuyu 34437 Istanbul, Turkey

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 6
Dates Received 20 August 2023; revised manuscript received 22 December 2013; published online 27 December 2023
Citation N.F. Zikrillaev, G.H. Mavlonov, L. Trabzon, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 6, 06001 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 61.05.cp; 61.82. F k; 73.43.Qt
Keywords AFM (18) , XRD (95) , Bragg-Brentano, X-rays (2) , Lattice constant (2) , Miller index, Bragg angle.

The electrical parameters of silicon samples diffusion doped by europium impurity atoms were studied by Van der Pauw (VDP) method. The experimental results were examined, particularly the surface morphology using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The lattice constant of the materials was calculated with the help of Bragg-Brentano`s law using X-ray diffraction on the XRD pattern of the Si<P,Eu> sample.

List of References