Spatial-Temporal Oscillations of Relaxation and Pre-Turbulent Type in Ideal Confined Amorphous Alloys

Authors I.B. Krasnyuk1, T.N. Melnik1, R.M. Taranets2, V.M. Yurchenko1

1 Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A.A. Galkin of NASU, 72, R. Luxemburg Str., 340004 Donetsk, Ukraine

2 Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 74, R. Luxemburg Str., 340004 Donetsk, Ukraine

Issue Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 3
Dates Received 16 January 2013; revised manuscript received 27 March 2013; published online 17 October 2013
Citation I.B. Krasnyuk1, T.N. Melnik1, R.M. Taranets2, V.M. Yurchenko1, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 5 No 3, 03030 (2013)
PACS Number(s) 61.43.Er, 61.25.Mv, 61.30.Hn
Keywords Amorphous melt, Difference equation with quasi-periodic perturbations, Period-doubling bifurcations.
Annotation The conditions for oscillating distributions at surface-induced crystallization of a quasi-binary volcanic melt, as a superposition of two travelling waves, are found. It is shown that change in the cooling conditions on the surfaces of flat walls which confine the melt leads to the change in the surface structure, i.e. surface amorphous-crystal waves penetrating the amorphous melt and initiating different types of pulse oscillations in the bulk in turn. For ideal melts, when bulk perturbations can be neglected, the solution tends to an asymptotically periodic piecewise-constant function. In the case of non-ideal melts, competition between surface and volume fluctuations arises and solution tends to an asymptotically quasi-periodic function.

List of References

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