Effective Minority Carrier Lifetime in Double-Layer Macroporous Silicon

Authors V.F. Onyshchenko

V.Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine

Е-mail onyshchenkovf@isp.kiev.ua
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 4
Dates Received 10 May 2024; revised manuscript received 15 August 2024; published online 27 August 2024
Citation V.F. Onyshchenko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 4, 04026 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(4).04026
PACS Number(s) 78.20. – e
Keywords Effective minority carrier lifetime, Double-layer macroporous silicon, Macroporous silicon.

The effective minority carrier lifetime in double-layer macroporous silicon is calculated according to analytically derived equations. The solution of the diffusion equation of minority carriers is written for a monocrystalline substrate and layers of macroporous silicon. The boundary condition is written for the surfaces of the first layer of macroporous silicon and the monocrystalline substrate. The system of seven equations is analytically reduced to two transcendental equations, which are used to calculate the effective minority carrier lifetime in double-layer macroporous silicon. The dependence of the effective minority carrier lifetime in double-layer macroporous silicon on the thickness of macroporous silicon and the depth of macropores of each layer of macroporous silicon was analyzed. The effective minority carrier lifetime in double-layer macroporous silicon depends on bulk lifetime of minority carriers, surface recombination, which depends on the average macropore diameter, average macropore depth, and average distance between macropores, and diffusion.

List of References