Computer Simulation on the Behavior of the TCO/n-a-Si:H Interface Solar Cells

Authors Djaaffar Rached1, Habib Madani Yssaad2, Wassila Leila Rahal3

1Laboratoire de Physique des plasmas, Matériaux Conducteurs et leurs Applications, U.S.T.O.M.B. - B.P. 1505, El M’naouar, Oran, Algérie

2Laboratoire RTFM, Département de Génie mécanique E.N.P.O. Maurice Audin, Oran, Algérie

3Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Application des Rayonnements. U.S.T.O.M.B. - B.P. 1505, El M’naouar, Oran. Algérie

Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 5
Dates Received 15 June 2018; revised manuscript received 20 October 2018; published online 29 October 2018
Citation Djaaffar Rached, Habib Madani Yssaad, Wassila Leila Rahal, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 No 5, 05012 (2018)
PACS Number(s) 73.61.Jc, 71.20.Mq, 88.40.hj, 88.40.jj
Keywords HIT solar cells, Potential barrier, Band bending, Current-voltage J(V) characteristics, Amorphous silicon (7) .

Among the factors limiting the open circuit voltage of Heterojunctions with Intrinsic Thin layers solar cell, the surface potential barrier at the Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)/hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) interface is one of the most important. To reduce this surface potential barrier, we have varied the band bending by simulation. The aim is to understand why, in spite of a considerable change in the front contact barrier height at the interface ITO/n-a-Si:H (band banding reduced), the characteristics J(V) remain almost unchanged.

List of References