Separation Process of Polydisperse Particles in the Plasma of Radio-frequency Discharge

Authors D.G. Batryshev , T.S. Ramazanov , M.K. Dosbolayev , M.T. Gabdullin

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National nanotechnological laboratory of opened type, 71, Al Farabi Av., 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Issue Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3
Dates Received 19 May 2014; published online 15 July 2014
Citation D.G. Batryshev, T.S. Ramazanov, M.K. Dosbolayev, M.T. Gabdullin, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 6 No 3, 03032 (2014)
PACS Number(s) 52.27.Lw, 52.77. – j
Keywords Monodisperse particles, Separation (4) , Radio-frequency discharge, Plasma (13) .
Annotation Method of separation of polydisperse particles in the plasma of radio-frequency (RF) discharge is considered. Investigation of plasma equipotential field gave conditions for separation. The purpose of this work was an obtaining of monodisperse particles in the plasma of RF discharge. Samples of monodisperse microparticles of silica and alumina were obtained. The size and chemical composition of samples were studied on a scanning electron microscope Quanta 3D 200i (SEM, USA FEI company). Average size of separated silica nanoparticles is 600 nm, silica and alumina microparticles is 5 mkm.

List of References