Authors |
A.I. Zhakin1, А.Е. Kuz’ko1, P.А. Belov2, N.А. Emelianov2
Affiliations |
1 South West State University, 94, 50 let Oktyabrya Str., 305040 Kursk, Russia
2 Kursk State University, 33, Radishcheva Str., 305040 Kursk, Russia |
Е-mail |
Issue |
Volume 6, Year 2014, Number 3 |
Dates |
Received 19 May 2014; published online 15 July 2014 |
Citation |
A.I. Zhakin, А.Е. Kuz’ko, P.А. Belov, N.А. Emelianov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 6 No 3, 03065 (2014) |
PACS Number(s) |
41.20.Cv, 67.25. - k, 68.03.Hj |
Keywords |
Charged jet, Electrodispersion, Taylor cone. |
Annotation |
Experimental data on the forms and electrical characteristics of charged meniscuses and jets of water. Presented application directions electrodispersion menisci and capillary collapse jets of liquids in a variety of industries with current technology. |