Use of the Method of Micro-arc Plasma Oxidation to Increase the Antifriction Properties of the Titanium Alloy Surface

Authors V.V. Subbotina, O.V. Sobol´ , V.V. Belozerov, A.I. Makhatilova, V.V. Shnayder

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», 2, Kyrpychov St., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3
Dates Received 15 February 2019; revised manuscript received 10 June 2019; published online 25 June 2019
Citation V.V. Subbotina, O.V. Sobol´, V.V. Belozerov, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 3, 03025 (2019)
PACS Number(s) 64.75.St, 81.07.Bc, 62.25.-g, 61.05.cp, 61.82.Rx
Keywords Micro-arc plasma, Titanium (10) , Microstructure (21) , X-ray phase analysis, Phase composition (3) , Hardness (12) , Abrasive wear.

The analysis of possibilities on phase-structural engineering of titanium-based alloys during micro-arc plasma oxidation (MAO) is carried out. The influence of phase-structural states on the tribotechnical properties of the modified surface of the titanium alloy VT3-1 is also considered. It has been established that in order to achieve high functional properties, it is necessary to use electrolytes of complex composition for MAO. The presence in the electrolyte of (NaPO3)6 leads to the formation of anatase with a low hardness (about 3 GPa). The formation of crystallites of rutile and aluminum titanate with the use of alkaline-aluminum electrolyte allows to increase hardness significantly (up to 7 GPa). The maximum increase in hardness (up to 12 GPa) is achieved in the coating obtained in alkaline-aluminate-silicate electrolyte. This is due to the formation of crystalline mullite. The friction coefficient of such a material decreases (f ( 0.01) and as a result, antifriction properties increase. The results of the work indicate the prospects for using the phase-structural engineering method for MAO-processing to optimize the formation of antifriction coatings on titanium alloys.

List of References