Structure and Phase Formation Features of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Films under Heating

Authors S.V. Malykhin , V.V. Kondratenko , I.А. Kopylets , S.V. Surovitskiy , А.А. Baturin, I.F. Mikhailov , M.V. Reshetnyak, S.S. Borisova , Yu.S. Bogdanov

National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, 2, Kyrpychov St., 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3
Dates Received 04 March 2019; revised manuscript received 20 June 2019; published online 25 June 2019
Citation S.V. Malykhin, V.V. Kondratenko, I.А. Kopylets, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 3, 03009 (2019)
PACS Number(s) 07.85.Jy,
Keywords Quasicrystals, Approximant crystals, Magnetron sputtering (14) , Thin films (60) , X-ray diffraction (19) .

The paper describes the growth features of thin Ti-Zr-Ni films prepared by the method of magnetron sputtering of the targets with compositions Ti53Zr30Ni18 and Ti41Zr38.3Ni20.7 on the substrates at 300 K with subsequent annealing in vacuum. The formation peculiarities of phase composition, structure and thermal stability of quasicrystalline thin films were studied. It was established that in initial state the films were X-ray-amorphous or nanocrystalline with coherence lengths (according to Scherrer) near 1.6-1.8 nm independently on the element composition of the sputtered target. This structure is relatively stable up to the temperature 673 K when the formation of the quasi-crystalline phase begins. In the films with composition of Ti53Zr30Ni18, the largest quantity of the quasicrystalline phase with a characteristic parameter aq  0.517 nm is observed at the annealing temperature of 673 K. It is added with an admixture of the 1/1 W-crystal approximant phase. In the films with Ti41Zr38.3Ni20.7 composition, an optimal annealing temperature is between 823 K and 873 K. The quasicrystalline phase is characterized by the quasicrystallinity parameter aq  0.5205 nm. Additionally, for the first time, the data on the formation of 2/1 approximant crystal as an admixture phase in this system were obtained. Under annealing at the temperatures higher than 873K, the decomposition of the quasi-crystalline and approximant phases into crystalline phases stable at higher temperatures according to the equilibrium phase diagram was established.

List of References