Electrophysical Properties of Multilayer Film Systems Based on Permalloy and Silver

Authors I.M. Pazukha , D.O. Shuliarenko

Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Е-mail iryna.pazukha@gmail.com
Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 3
Dates Received 15 March 2019; revised manuscript received 20 June 2019; published online 25 June 2019
Citation I.M. Pazukha, D.O. Shuliarenko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 3, 03030 (2019)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(3).03030
PACS Number(s) 68.37.Lp, 68.60.Dv, 81.15.Ef
Keywords Multilayer film systems, Layer-by-layer condensation, Resistivity (11) , Temperature coefficient of resistance, Interface scattering.

Comprehensive investigation of the phase state and the electrophysical properties (resistivity and temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR)) of [Py/Ag]n/S multilayer film systems with a constant total thickness of 54 nm in a range of bilayer repeats from 1 to 16 was presented. Thin films based on permalloy Ni80Fe20 (Py) and Ag were prepared by the electron-beam layer-by-layer evaporation method in a vacuum 10 – 4 Pa at room temperature. Their phase state was studied using electron diffraction methods. Samples after deposition show phase state corresponding to the combination of face-centered cubic (fcc) Ni3Fe and fcc-Ag lattices. The film phase state remained unchanged within the entire range of Py/Ag bilayer repeats. It was demonstrated that the process of the heat treatment also did not affect their structure. The samples after deposition were annealed in a vacuum during two cycle “heating ↔ cooling” up to the temperature of healing defects. The heat treatment of the samples was done in the automated mode that allowed to control the speed of heating, experimental data (resistance and temperature) recording and processing. Results of the study of electrophysical properties demonstrate that metallic behavior of resistivity temperature dependences is observed for all films. The values of resistivity and TCR have an order of ( ~ 10 – 7 Оhm·m and β ~ 10 – 3 К – 1, respectively, that are typical for components of investigated samples. At the same time, the increase of the number of the bilayer repeats from 1 to 16 leads to the increase of resistivity value from 0.78·10 – 7 to 2.40·10 – 7 Ohm·m, and to the decrease of the TCR value from 4.70·10 – 3 to 2.23·10 – 3 К – 1. The mean reasons of such change of ( and ( values can be associated with the growth of probability of electron interface scattering and the breaking of individual layer continuous at the increase of Py/Ag bilayer numbers at the constant total thickness.

List of References