Photoelectric Properties of the Mn2O3/n-InSe Heterojunction

Authors I.G. Tkachuk1 , I.G. Orletskii2 , V.I. Ivanov1 , Z.D. Kovalyuk1 , A.V. Zaslonkin1 , V.V. Netyaga1

1Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Chernivtsi Branch, 5, I. Vilde Str., 58001 Chernivtsi, Ukraine

2Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubynsky Str., 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 2
Dates Received 28 February 2023; revised manuscript received 15 April 2023; published online 27 April 2023
Citation I.G. Tkachuk, I.G. Orletskii, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 2, 02022 (2023)
PACS Number(s) 73.40. – c, 78.66. – w
Keywords Indium Selenide, Mn2O3 (3) , Heterojunction (6) , I-V Characteristics (2) , Photosensitivity.

Photosensitive Mn2O3/n-InSe heterojunctions were produced by the method of low-temperature spray pyrolysis. An aqueous solution of the appropriate composition was sprayed onto a heated substrate made of a layered n-InSe crystal. As a result, a thin film of Mn2O3 was formed on its surface. The use of layered semiconductors makes it possible to obtain high-quality interfaces, even with significant differences in the crystal lattice parameters of the contacting materials. The front layer of the wide-gap semiconductor Mn2O3 is transparent in the region of maximum light absorption in InSe. This makes it possible to effectively exploit the photovoltaic properties of the latter. The photoelectric and optical properties of the obtained heterojunction were studied, the corresponding graphical dependences were constructed: current-voltage characteristics and differential resistance at different temperatures, temperature dependence of the height of the potential barrier, spectral dependence of the relative quantum efficiency in the photon energy range of 1.2÷3.2 eV. Theoretical models describing the obtained results are proposed. Based on the analysis of the temperature dependences of the direct and reverse branches of the current-voltage characteristics, the energy parameters of the heterojunction were determined. The value of the series and shunt resistances was evaluated. The mechanisms of the formation of forward and reverse currents through the Mn2O3/n-InSe energy barrier are determined.

List of References