Optical Phenomena and Processes Induced by Ultrashort Light Pulses in Chalcogenide and Chalcohalide Glassy Semiconductors

Authors I. Blonskyi1, V. Kadan1, A. Rybak1, S. Pavlova1, L. Calvez2, B. Mytsyk3, O. Shpotyk4,5

1 Institute of Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, 46, NaukyProsp., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine

2 UMR-CNRS 6226, Université de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

3 Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 5, Naukova Str., 79060 Lviv, Ukraine

4 Vlokh Institute of Physical Optics, 23, Dragomanov Str., 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

5 Institute of Physics of Jan Dlugosz University, 13/15, al. Armii Krajowej, 42200 Czestochowa, Poland

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 5
Dates Received 31 August 2017; published online 16 October 2017
Citation I. Blonskyi, V. Kadan, A. Rybak, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 5, 05033 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(5).05033
PACS Number(s) 42.65.Re, 42.65.Jx, 52.38.Dx
Keywords Femtosecond laser pulses, Ablation (2) , Chalcohalide glasses, Time-resolved microscopy.
Annotation Time-resolved microscopy study of ablation with femtosecond laser pulses in chalcohalide glass and crystal silicon is presented. The laser pulse energy is deposited into the near-surface layer due to two-photon absorption. The superheated liquid is ejected from the ablation spot under the action of supersonic blast wave. Glass-forming process in chalcohalide glass creates optically smooth spherical surface of the crater due to the action of surface tension forces. As a result, single laser pulse produces microlens, which can be transformed into micromirrors after metal sputtering. The fabricated microoptical elements demonstrate diffraction-limited performance.

List of References