Effect of SiNx/SiO2 Passivation Layers on Diffused Front Surface Field in n-type Silicon Wafers

Authors B. Labdelli1, A. Boucheham1 , L. Benharrat1 , A. Djelloul1 , N. Chahinez1, M. Alloun2, S.Y. Lamri2

1Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-Conducteurs pour l’Energétique ‘CRTSE’, Alger, Algérie

2École Nationale Polytechnique Département de Métallurgie, 16200 Alger, Algeria

Е-mail boutaleb200574@yahoo.fr
Issue Volume 17, Year 2025, Number 1
Dates Received 03 December 2024; revised manuscript received 12 February 2025; published online 27 February 2025
Citation B. Labdelli, A. Boucheham, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 17 No 1, 01002 (2025)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.17(1).01002
PACS Number(s) 82.65. + r, 81.15.Gh, 61.72.Cc, 61.72.uf, 07.60. – j
Keywords SiNx/SiO2, PECVD (7) , RTP, n-type monocrystalline silicon, QSSPC.

In this research, the passivation properties of a stack of silicon nitride (SiNx) films over silicon dioxide (SiO2) on n-type Si wafers to study its effect on the Front Surface Field (FSF) in PERT solar cells were investigated. The silicon wafers underwent an identical thermal oxidation process for 30 min at 850 °C (10 nm) in an oxidation oven. SiNx materials have been deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) on an n-type Silicon substrate, silicon nitride, where precursor gas ratios (R  NH3/SiN4) are adjusted, then Rapid thermal processing (RTP) co-firing at a temperature of 750 °C for 60 s was used. Where the phosphorus diffusions are done using POCl3 as a dopant source at a temperature of 820 °C for 15 min in a tube furnace. The reflecting index shows that the double layers of SiN/SiO2 films in the solar cells allow the antireflection effects, and the good passivation of the emitters has led to better electrical performance, which was confirmed using the Sinton WCT 120 quasi-steady state photo-conductance (QSSPC) using n+/n/n+ symmetrical lifetime samples. The SiNx layers that are deposited on SiO2 exhibit superior bulk and surface passivation characteristics.

List of References