Automated Programming of Micro- and Single Electron Nanosystems

Authors О.S. Мelnyk, V.О. Кozarevych, Y.М. Kushnirenko

State University “Kyiv Aviation Institute”, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 17, Year 2025, Number 1
Dates Received 17 January 2025; revised manuscript received 14 February 2025; published online 27 February 2025
Citation О.S. Мelnyk, V.О. Кozarevych, Y.М. Kushnirenko, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 17 No 1, 01016 (2025)
PACS Number(s) 85.35.Gv
Keywords Programmable logical structures, Micro- and single electron nanocircuits, Majoritary functions, Automated programming, Multiplexers, Criogenic tempretures.

The article examines the features of the automated design of micro- and single electron nanosystems focused on the implementation of programmable logic functions. In this work, structured programming does not mean the development of algorithms for processing multi-argument functions by changing working programs, as reproduced by a microcontroller, but rather technological changes in configurations and settings of large micro- and nanosystems in such a way as to implement functions at the logical-structural level. The main advantage of circuit programming over specialized ones is lower cost, which is important in small-scale production. The use of multiplexers in micro- and nanocircuits makes it possible to implement a variety of Boolean and majority functions necessary for the construction of logic elements. The proposed methods provide the ability to effectively configure logic circuits, including multi-functional blocks for implementing complex logic operations. The paper presents the results of the implementation of the latest technologies for automated programming of single-electron nanocircuits with quantum cellular automata. Using a modern automated design system (computer-aided design) QCA Designe, majority and Boolean functions based on nanomultiplexers were synthesized. Simulation of timing diagrams under cryogenic temperatures confirmed the loss of their operability in space conditions. The results of computer design of single electron nanodevices obtained in the article confirmed their advantages over microelectronic analogues in terms of minimal energy consumption and higher speed. The presented results and their analysis indicate opportunities for further improvement of micro- and nanoelectronics design technologies.

List of References