Changes in the Electronic Structure of a Wurtzite Solid Solution Mn:ZnSeS Caused by Vacancies of Sulfur Atoms

Authors S.V. Syrotyuk1 , M.K. Hussain2 , R.A. Nakonechnyi1

1Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

2Department of Electrical Power Techniques Engineering, AL-Hussain University College, 56001 Kerbala, Iraq

Issue Volume 17, Year 2025, Number 1
Dates Received 05 January 2025; revised manuscript received 20 February 2025; published online 27 February 2025
Citation S.V. Syrotyuk, M.K. Hussain, R.A. Nakonechnyi, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 17 No 1, 01017 (2025)
PACS Number(s) 71.15.Mb, 71.20.Nr, 71.27. + a
Keywords ZnSeS solid solution, Mn impurity, Electronic energy bands, DOS (9) , Magnetic moment, Anion vacancy.

The first stage of this work is the study of changes in the electronic structure of the ZnSeS solid solution due to the influence of the Mn impurity, which replaces the Zn atom. The second stage of the work is devoted to determining the changes in the electronic structure parameters of this material caused by the combined influence of the Mn impurity and the sulfur atom vacancy. The electronic structure of both materials was calculated within the DFT framework using the hybrid exchange-correlation functional PBE0. The structure of the solid solution was determined in two stages. In the first step, the unit cell parameters were optimized, and in the second one, the relaxation of the lattice parameters was performed, including repeated optimization of the internal coordinates of the atoms. All calculations were performed for the relaxed structural parameters. After the introduction of the Mn substitution impurity, the electronic energy spectra and densities of electronic states (DOS) were obtained. Significant changes in the electronic structure parameters due to the manganese impurity were revealed. It was found that the doped solid solution Mn:ZnSeS is a semiconductor for both electron spin polarizations. A significant decrease in the band gap was found, caused by a combined action of two point defects – a manganese impurity and a sulfur atom vacancy.

List of References