Study of ZnO–SnO2 Thin Film Growth Processes

Authors A.Kh. Abduev, A.Sh. Asvarov, A.K. Akhmedov

Institute of Physics, Dagestan Scientific Center of the RAS, 94, Yaragskiy Str., 367003 Makhachkala, Russia

Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 6
Dates Received 02 August 2018; revised manuscript received – 30 November 2018; published online 18 Desember 2018
Citation A.Kh. Abduev, A.Sh. Asvarov, A.K. Akhmedov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 No 6, 06020 (2018)
PACS Number(s) 81.15.Cd,
Keywords ZnO (90) , SnO2 (11) , Thin film (101) , Magnetron sputtering (14) , Stoichiometry (2) .

The processes of magnetron synthesis of ZnO–SnO2-based films by the magnetron sputtering of metal (Zn–Sn), ceramic (ZnO–SnO2) and composite (ZnO–SnO2 + 10wt.% Zn–Sn) targets were studied. It is shown that during magnetron sputtering of the metal and composite targets a multy-layered structure can be formed due to periodic changes in the composition of the sputtered target surface in the erosion zone.

List of References