Electron-Electron Interaction in Plane Closed Semiconductor Nanostructures

Authors I.V. Boyko1 , O.A. Bagrii-Zayats2, H.B. Tsupryk1, Y.M. Stoianov1

1Ternopil National Technical University, 56, Ruska Str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine

2Ternopil State Medical University, 1, Voli Str., 46000 Ternopil, Ukraine

Е-mail boyko.i.v.theory@gmail.com
Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 6
Dates Received 15 July 2018; revised manuscript received 07 December 2018; published online 18 December 2018
Citation I.V. Boyko, O.A. Bagrii-Zayats, H.B. Tsupryk, Y.M. Stoianov, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 No 6, 06001 (2018)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.10(6).06001
PACS Number(s) 73.21.Fg, 73.21.Cd, 74.55. + v
Keywords Quantum cascade laser (3) , Quantum cascade detector, Electron-electron interaction, Cubic Schrödinger equation.

In the model of rectangular potential wells and barriers and the model of effective masses for an electron, using the exact solutions of the nonlinear cubic Schrödinger equation, a quantum-mechanical theory of the stationary electronic spectrum and oscillator forces of quantum transitions taking into account electron-electron interaction in the Hartree-Fock approximation was developed.The inclusion electron-electron interaction reduces the intensity of quantum transitions between the first electron states and reduces the value of detected energy, it is shown by an example of a two-well plane semiconductor nanostructure, that can function as an active zone of a quantum cascade detector.

List of References