Effect of Additive (MnO) on Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss of Na2O-B2O3 Glasses

Authors N.N. Rao1 , P.R. Rao1, B.J.R.S.N. Swamy1, P. Naresh2 , T. Kalpana3, A.C. Babu4, N.Ch.R. Babu5

1Department of Physics, Krishna University Dr.MRAR College of PG Studies, Nuzvid 521201, AP, India

2Department of Physics, VR Siddharth Engineering College, Vijayawada, 520 008, AP, India

3Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada, 520 008, AP, India

4Department of Physics, Krishna University Machilipatnam. 521004 AP, India

5Department of Physics, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge & Technologies Nuzvid, 521201, AP, India

Е-mail nnrphy@gmail.com
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 2
Dates Received 10 December 2023; revised manuscript received 17 April 2024; published online 29 April 2024
Citation N.N. Rao, P.R. Rao, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 2, 02020 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(2).02020
PACS Number(s) 61.43.Fs, 72.80.Ng, 77.22.Gm
Keywords B2O3 glasses, Dielectric constant (8) , Dielectric loss (2) , Mn2+ ions.

Glass samples of composition Na2O-B2O3:MnO were synthesized by the method of melt quenching (MQT). Dielectric permeability and dielectric loss for the samples were studied as a characteristic of temperature at different frequencies. The influence of the alloying oxide modifier on the studied parameters is interpreted. It was found that the dielectric constant of all studied samples depends on the composition, and the development of dipole relaxation in the studied glasses was also revealed. MnO-containing sodium glasses show an increasing presence of Mn2+ ions in glasses from C0 to C4, which function as modifiers. The dielectric constant of glass varies significantly with temperature, especially at lower frequencies.

List of References