Authors | G.S. Khrypunov , G.I. Kopach , R.V. Zaitsev , A.І. Dobrozhan, M.M. Harchenko |
Affiliations | National Technical University «Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute», 21, Kyrpychov Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine |
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Issue | Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 2 |
Dates | Received 15 December 2016; revised manuscript received 27 April 2017; published online 28 April 2017 |
Citation | G.S. Khrypunov, G.I. Kopach, R.V. Zaitsev, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No 2, 02008 (2017) |
DOI | 10.21272/jnep.9(2).02008 |
PACS Number(s) | 81.05.Dz, 81.15.Cd |
Keywords | Cadmium telluride (2) , Solar cell (51) , Magnetron sputtering (14) , the Films, (3020) . |
Annotation | The paper describes investigate of crystal structure and optical characteristics of the base layers CdTe, obtained by non-reactive magnetron sputtering at a direct current on polyimide films, and output parameters the flexible thin film solar cells based on them. Conducting "chloride" treatment layers of CdTe, obtained at T 300 C, promotes phase transition wurtzite-sphalerite and reduces film transmittance of 20-40 % in the infrared region of the spectrum without changing band gap of the material. Cooling ITO/CdS layers to room temperature before CdTe deposition, removal of the air and subsequent heating in vacuum to the desired temperature of the substrate leads to an increase of the energy conversion efficiency and open circuit voltage of the ITO/CdS/CdTe/Cu/Au flexible solar cell. |
List of References English version of article |