Chemical Traps of Singlet Oxygen as Investigation Method of Mechanisms of Photo-Dynamic Therapy

Authors I.V. Berezovska , O.М. Bilash, N.N. Rozhytskii

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14, Lenin Ave, 61166 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 5, Year 2013, Number 3
Dates Received 07 April 2013; published online 17 October 2013
Citation I.V. Berezovska, O.М. Bilash, N.N. Rozhytskii, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 5 No 3, 03046 (2013)
PACS Number(s) 82.39. – k
Keywords Chemical traps, Photodynamic therapy, Photosensitizer, Singlet oxygen, Quantum dots (3) .
Annotation The processes in photodynamic therapy using semiconductor nanomaterials, namely, quantum dots as photosensitizers were considered. The spectral characteristics of semiconductor quantum dots (CdTe coated by TGA), as well as processes with participation of singlet oxygen which is the active component of the method of photodynamic therapy, were investigated.

List of References

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