Electrochemical and Thermodynamic Investigation of Drug Solfarlem as a Potential Corrosion Inhibitor for Nickel-Phosphorus Coatings

Authors Farid Lekmine1, Abderrahmane Gana2, Ibtissem Zidani3

1University of Abbes Laghrour Khenchela, 40004 Algeria

2Physic Laboratory of Thin Films and Applications (LPCMA), University of Biskra, 07000 Algeria

3University of Elhadj Lakhdar Batna 1, Batna 05000 Algeria

Е-mail farid.lekmine@univ-khenchela.dz
Issue Volume 16, Year 2024, Number 3
Dates Received 06 March 2024; revised manuscript received 25 June 2024; published online 28 June 2024
Citation Farid Lekmine, Abderrahmane Gana, Ibtissem Zidani, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 16 No 3, 03020 (2024)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.16(3).03020
PACS Number(s) 81.65.Kn, 82.40.Np, 81.15.Pq
Keywords Nickel-Phosphorus alloy, Electrochemical techniques, Adsorption (9) , Drug solfarlem.

There are more materials being utilized as industry develops, and these materials are frequently exposed to severe corrosion while being employed. This depends on the material/corrosive pair and the environment in which these two elements come together; among the finest methods is the application of inhibitors to ensure their protection in contact with aggressive environments such as hydrochloric acid. This work describes the study of the corrosion behavior of a Nickel-Phosphorus coating in an acidic 1M HCl medium and the evaluation of the protective power of an organic compound. The Ni-P alloys were obtained by the electrodeposition technique from a solution containing Nickel Sulfate and Sodium Hypophosphite (NaH2PO2) on a steel substrate. The effect of drug Solfarlem as a corrosion inhibitor of Nickel-Phosphorus alloy in 1 M HCl was studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, polarization curve and weight loss methods. Results show that the inhibition efficiency of this inhibitor by all methods was in good agreement and the optimal efficiency with a concentration of 6.10 – 5 mol/L was about 96%. The values for free energy of adsorption Gads, were calculated at each surface coverage, of the studied compound by applying the mathematical model. The adsorption of the inhibitor molecules corresponds to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, followed by chemical adsorption on the surface of the Nickel-Phosphorus alloy.

List of References