Visualization of Signal Structure Showing Element Functioning in Complex Dynamic Systems – Cognitive Aspects

Authors V.P. Mygal1 , G.V. Mygal1, L.M. Balabanova2

1N.E. Zhukovskyi National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, 17, Chkalova St., 61070 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 94, Chernyshevska St., 61023, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 2
Dates Received 25 February 2019; revised manuscript received 07 April 2019; published online 15 April 2019
Citation V.P. Mygal, G.V. Mygal, L.M. Balabanova, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 2, 02013 (2019)
PACS Number(s) 05.10. – a
Keywords Complex dynamic systems, Signal geometrization, Visualization, Cognitive graphics, Signal structure, Signatures, Cognitive graphic images.

The work is aimed at identifying the structure of the operation signals of the complex dynamic system elements. The structure reflects the space-time relationship of its components. The configuration of the primary structure and the nature of its restructuring contain cognitive information about the features of the functioning of the complex dynamic system elements. Parametric geometrization of signals of different nature was carried out in the space of dynamic events. This made it possible to transform a one-dimensional signal (response) into a closed trajectory of dynamic events, which serves as a geometric three-dimensional model of the functioning cycle. Its orthogonal projections are signatures whose configurations reflect the dynamic, energetic, and informational features of the natural decomposition of a signal into components. Therefore, their spatial distribution is integrally perceived in the form of a cognitive graphic image of a signal as a cycle. Its system analysis allows to: a) find changes in the cycle structure, comparing it with the previous one; b) determine the cycle type (stable, adaptive, evolutionary); c) assess the degree of its orderliness and balance; d) determine the nature of the configuration change under the influence of stress factors. On the one hand, visualization of the structure of different signals as information flows simplifies human-computer interaction. On the other hand, the analysis of packages of cognitive graphic images of electrophysiological signals of a person allows to: a) identify and take into account when training his psychophysiological features; b) assess his adaptive capacity; c) identify stress and manifestation of psychological dissonance. In general, the cognitive visualization of different signals as information flows will contribute to the development of intuition in the process of training the operator, as well as improving its effectiveness.

List of References