Electrical Properties of the Сu2O/Cd1 – xZnxTe Heterostructure

Authors E.V. Maistruk , I.P. Koziarskyi , D.P. Koziarskyi , P.D. Maryanchuk

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubynsky St., 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Е-mail e.maistruk@chnu.edu.ua
Issue Volume 11, Year 2019, Number 2
Dates Received 27 November 2018; revised manuscript received 04 April 2019; published online 15 April 2019
Citation E.V. Maistruk, I.P. Koziarskyi, D.P. Koziarskyi, P.D. Maryanchuk, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 11 No 2, 02007 (2019)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(2).02007
PACS Number(s) 73.61.Le, 81.15.Ef
Keywords Thin films (60) , Heterostructure (7) , I-V-characteristics, Сu2О, HF magnetron sputtering.

The work describes the influence of growth conditions on the optical and electrical properties of Cu2O thin films. The electrical properties of the p-Cu2O/n-Cd1 – xZnxTe heterostructure obtained on the basis of these films were also investigated.Cu2O thin films were obtained by the method of RF magnetron sputtering of a target from copper oxide II powder on glass and glass-ceramic substrates. In the production of the films under study, the temperature of the substrates (270 °C ≤ Ts ≤ 375 °C) and the time of sputtering of the target (30 min ≤ t ≤ 60 min) were changed. By optimal conditions, p-Сu2О films were obtained with an optical band gap of Egop ( 2.6 eV and a specific resistance of ( ( 0.5 Ω ( cm. The p-Сu2О/n-Cd1 – xZnxTe heterostructures were obtained using the RF magnetron sputtering of a target from copper oxide II powder on fresh-split Cd1 – xZnxTe substrates. Investigation of the effect of temperature (23 °C ≤ T ≤ 80 °C) on the I-V-characteristics of p-Сu2О/n-Cd1 – xZnxTe heterostructures showed that the heterostructures have a pronounced rectifying effect with a rectification coefficient RR ~ 103 at a voltage of 2 V, the potential barrier height eφk ( 0.77 eV at T ( 296 K and decreases with increasing temperature. The successive resistance of the heterostructures reaches Rs ~ 500 Ω at room temperature and is formed by the n-Cd1 – xZnxTe substrates and decreases with increasing temperature. The study of current transfer mechanisms showed that, at small displacements, over-barrier emission prevails, at medium displacement, tunneling predominates, and at large displacements, the generation-recombination mechanism of current transfer with the participation of surface states on the metallurgical boundary separation. With increasing temperature, the generation-recombination mechanism of current transfer gradually disappears and passes into tunneling, which may be due to an increase in the concentration of electrons with a temperature rise in the base region of the heterojunction (Cd1 – xZnxTe) and a decrease in the potential barrier height.

List of References