Formation of Nanostructures by Synchronizing Dipoles in an Optical near Field

Authors D.O. Vasylenko , P.O. Kravchuk , V.I. Grygoruk

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 10, Year 2018, Number 6
Dates Received 21 August 2018, revised manuscript received 07 December 2018, published online 18 December 2018
Citation D.O. Vasylenko, P.O. Kravchuk, V.I. Grygoruk, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 10 № 6, 06028 (2018)
PACS Number(s) 42.90. + m, 41.60. – m, 41.90. + e, 81.07. – b
Keywords Construction of nanostructures, Optical near field, Dipole, Synchronization, Resonance (8) .

The processes occurring during the interaction of dipoles in an optical near field are investigated. A method for their calculation is proposed. It is shown that since the spectral composition of the near-field radiation is not monochrome, this makes it possible to effectively influence the dipole structure even by fields that are nonresonant for this structure. Thus, dipoles with different spectra of natural oscillations can effectively interact with each other through near-field resonance processes. In this case, the resonance frequency can differ significantly from the natural frequency and depends mainly on the external near field and initial conditions. It is proved that, in the external strong-gradient near field, depending on the amplitude and initial conditions, it is possible to form one of two separate dipole structures.

List of References

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