Optical Fiber Based Spectral Response Measurement System for Multi-Junction Solar Cells

Authors A.P. Shah1, R. Bag2, R. Tyagi2, S.S. Chandvankar1, V.A. Chaudhari3, K.L. Narasimhan1, B.M. Arora3

1 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, 400005, Mumbai, India

2 Solid State Physics Laboratory, Timarpur, 110054, Delhi, India

3 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, 400076, Mumbai, India

Е-mail apshah@tifr.res.in
Issue Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 1, Part 4
Dates Received 04 February 2011, in final form 11 October 2011, published online 17 October 2011
Citation A.P. Shah, R. Bag, R. Tyagi, S.S. Chandvankar, V.A. Chaudhari, K.L. Narasimhan, B.M. Arora, J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 3 No1, 662 (2011)
PACS Number(s) 42.81.Qb, 85.60.Bt
Keywords Multijunction solar cells, Quantum efficiency (3) , Ge-GaAs-InGaP, Optical fiber (3) , Bias light.
We report an optical fiber based spectral response measurement system for multi-junction solar cells. We have also fabricated single junction GaAs cells on GaAS and Ge substrates and measured lighted I-V characteristics. Preliminary quantum efficiency measurements on these devices are also presented.

List of References