Structure and Properties of Vacuum Arc Single-Layer and Multiperiod Two-Layer Nitride Coatings Based on Ti(Al):Si Layers

Authors V.M. Beresnev1 , O.V. Sobol2, A.D. Pogrebnjak3, S.V. Lytovchenko1 , V.A. Stolbovoy4 , P.A. Srebniuk1 , V.Ju. Novikov5, I.V. Doshchechkina6, A.A. Meylehov2, A.A. Postelnyk2, U.S. Nyemchenko1, B.A. Mazylin1, V.V. Kruhlova1

1 V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboby Sq., 61000 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, 2, Kyrpychov St., 61000 Kharkiv, Ukraine

3 Sumy State University, 2, Rymskyi-Korsakov St., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

4 National Scientific Centre “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, 1, Akademichna St., 61108 Kharkiv Ukraine

5 Belgorod National Research University, 85, Pobedy St., 308015 Belgorod, Russia

6 Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, 25, Ya. Mudryi St., 61200 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Issue Volume 9, Year 2017, Number 1
Dates Received 06 December 2016; revised manuscript received 17 February 2017; published online 20 February 2017
Citation V.M. Beresnev, O.V. Sobol´, A.D. Pogrebnjak, et al. J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 9 No1, 01033 (2017)
DOI 10.21272/jnep.9(1).01033
PACS Number(s) 61.46. – w, 62.20.Qp, 62-65. – g
Keywords Nitride coatings, Multilayers coating, Composition of elements, Structure (105) , Microhardness (2) .
Annotation The paper provides an analysis of impact of deposition conditions on structural and phase state and thermal stability of vacuum arc coatings based on Ti(Al):Si layers. We studied single-phase single-layer coatings, and multiperiod bilayer coatings with second phase nitride interlayers of one of the following three metals: Mo, Cr or Zr. It was established that hexagonal and cubic lattices may form in the coatings when transition to the cubic lattice occurs with Al content of about 25 at. %. Presence of second nanoscale (7-8 nm) layers in bilayer multiperiod compositions, which consist of one nitride from CrNx, MoNx or ZrNx group, does not change the type of lattice in [Ti(Al):Si]Nx layers. Also, an fcc lattice with a strong or weak texture [111] forms in CrNx and ZrNx layers, while crystallites with hexagonal lattice form in MoNx layers. High-temperature annealing at 700 °С during 40 minutes leads to a significant (by 23 % or up to Н  47.56 GPa) increase in microhardness of coating of the [Ti(Al)]Nx/ZrNy system due to formation of a nano-size structure with an average size of crystallites of 3.6 nm in [Ti(Al)]Nx layers, and 6.3 nm in ZrNx layers.

List of References