Composite Films Based on Hydroxyapatite and Polyvinyl Alcohol

Authors O.N. Musskaya1, A.I. Kulak1, V.K. Krut’ko1, S.A. Ulasevich1, L.A. Lesnikovich1, L.F. Suchodub2

1 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, 9/1, Surganova Str., 220079 Minsk, Belarus

2 Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Issue Volume 7, Year 2015, Number 1
Dates Received 16 October 2014; published online 25 March 2015
Citation O.N. Musskaya, A.I. Kulak, V.K. Krut’ko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 7 No 1, 01022 (2015)
PACS Number(s) 42.70.Jk, 82.35. – х
Keywords Polyvinyl alcohol, Hydroxyapatite, Thermal decomposition, UV treatment, UV-Vis absorption spectra.
Annotation Composite films based on hydroxyapatite (HA) gel and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were obtained. Light scattering of composite films in the PVA film is increased with growth of HA content from 0.5 to 33.0 %. The introduction of HA in PVA film leads to the inhibition of thermal degradation of the polymer without changing the position of the main spectral bands in UV-Vis absorption spectra. The introduction of HA into the PVA film promotes their hydrophobicity, while UV light leads to the significant increase in the hydrophilicity, especially after its heating at 180 °C.

List of References