Justification of the Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in Co/Cu/Co and Fe/Cr/Fe Magneto-Ordered Three-Layer Structures by Using the Fuchs Formula

Authors N.S. Shyshko1, Yu.M. Shabelnyk2 , Yu.A. Kolesnichenko3, Yu.O. Shkurdoda2 , A.O. Pronoza2, A.M. Chornous2, L.V. Dekhtyaruk1

1Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 40, Sumska Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

2Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine

3B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47, Nauky Ave., 61103, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Е-mail lvdekhtyaruk@gmail.com
Issue Volume 15, Year 2023, Number 1
Dates Received 23 December 2022; revised manuscript received 20 February 2023; published online 24 February 2023
Citation N.S. Shyshko, Yu.M. Shabelnyk, Yu.A. Kolesnichenko, et al., J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 15 No 1, 01029 (2023)
DOI https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.15(1).01029
PACS Number(s) 75.47.De, 75.70.Cn
Keywords Three-layered magnetic film, Giant magnetoresistance, Magnetoresistance ratio, Resistor and two-stream model, Majority and minority charge carriers, Shunting effect.

The qualitative analysis of the giant magnetoresistive effect in three-layer magnetically ordered films (sandwiches) was carried out using the two-current model and the theory of dimensional effects. It is shown that in the region of small thicknesses of the covering magnetic layer the magnetoresistance of the conductor increases compared to the thickness of the base magnetic layer, while in the opposite region of thicknesses it decreases, and in the specified thickness the effect is negligible due to the presence of the shunt effect. In the case when the thickness of the covering magnetic layer of the metal is proportional to the total thickness of the base magnetic layer and the non-magnetic layer, the value of magnetoresistance reaches its maximum value due to the absence of the shunting effect. It is shown that the insignificant value of the effect is due to the shunting of the resistances of the covering and base magnetic layers. If the thickness of the covering magnetic layer of the metal is comparable to the total thickness of the main magnetic layer and the non-magnetic layer, the value of magnetoresistance reaches its maximum value due to the absence of the shunting effect mentioned above.

List of References