The Modelling of The Solids Solution Formation Mechanism in Systems In2O3-HfO2 at Heating in Air

Authors A.E. Soloviova
Affiliations Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov Str., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine
Issue Volume 3, Year 2011, Number 4
Dates Received 07 December 2011, in final form 11 December 2011, published online 30 December 2011
Citation English version is not accessible
PACS Number(s) 64.75. Nx
Keywords Oxide indium, Dioxide zirconium, Type soled solution, Phase trans formation.
The mathematical model for the simulation of the formation and dissociation processes of solid solutions in In2O3-ZrО2 system are proposed. It permit us to calculate the ionic radii of cations: indium, zirconium, anion and anion vacancy. Solid solutions in the system formed by the disordered phase of indium oxide type C1. It was revealed that at temperatures 1450, 1600° C in air d of the system formed limited solid solutions such as: subtraction – substitution, subtraction – replacement – introduction. It was established, the size of the cations of indium, zirconium, and the number of defects determines the type of solid solution in the system In2O3-ZrО2. The energies of the formation of solid solutions, energy of the electrical conductivity in this system were calculated. Using the sale conductivities data it was revealed that the conduction current density and charge carrier mobility depends on the type of solid solution, rather than on the valence of the cations of zirconium.

List of References

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